

The Rise of Klepto
The Rise of Klepto

I looked at my boyscout do gooding prisoner. I had the most powerful speedster trapped in an asphalt like hardened substance. I developed it to stay in a thick liquid until my prey touched it. It solidified in less than a millisecond. His own power made my trap successful and full proof.
“I have to say thank you. Without you and your speed my trap wouldn't have worked.” I told the superhero called Pulsar.
The dirty look he was giving said that he thought I was just being a smart ass.
“I mean it Pulsar.” I knelt down and patted his back. “Only your particular speed power would make my substance harden so fast. I covertly followed you for a solid month. Waiting for the exact moment so I could get a little bit of your DNA.”
I stood back up, eager to get started. Reaching inside my right boot I pulled out one of my favorite blades, a Scottish durg. This dagger was the perfect tool for him when he needed to make accurate and precise cuts.
“Well Pulsar I've enjoyed your company but I'm afraid we have come to the end of our road.” Not wasting a single second more, the hunter sliced a deep cut across his neck from ear to ear.
“I've always wondered what running speeds that only you could achieve.” The hunter said to the new corpse as he placed a giant bowl in front of it so as to catch all of Pulsar's blood.
“Oh by the way. It's rude to let me do all the talking.” His tone was filled with anger and contempt. “I'll forgive you this one time.” His facial expression went from upset to a very sinister smile. “I guess I should take you losing your tongue into account.” The hunter popped the 4 inch part of Pulsar's tongue into his mouth and began chewing.
“Damn it's good to be me, the great Klepto.”
Klepto pulled out a long green swirly straw and began sucking the blood and drinking it like you would a milkshake.

Chapter 1

“We need to find this vampire fuckwad and put him in the ground!” The invincible strongman, Atlas, yelled in justified and righteous anger.
“Permanently.” The beautiful goddess-like superhero added.
“We don't kill.” The de facto leader of this first meeting of all the high level, level 5,superheroes said.
Jack was the hero that had gotten these half dozen, extremely powerful heroes, together.
“So you keep saying.” Mother Nature, the beautiful goddess-like hero, growled in anger and frustration. “But deep down you know,” she paused to let the importance of her words sink in, “you know that there are certain people who exist in this world, that shouldn't be living in this world.”
“Mother Nature makes a valid point Jack.” The other worldly android, who most call A.L.F., which stood for Artificial Life Form. The speedster, Pulsar, gave him that name. Pulsar thought it was funny as hell since it came from the old 1980's and 1990's sitcom.
"If certain extreme villains are executed, an incalculable number of innocent lives Will be saved." A.L.F. added in his "college professor" voice.
"What makes us more important and more powerful than the American Judicial System?" Lightning, Jack's fiance, asked. "We're not judge, jury, and executioner."
"They have the right to a fair trial just like every citizen of the United States." Jack added.
"We're not saying to kill all the bad guys we face." Atlas stressed. "But if we come across a villain that is this psycho and this dangerous? Capturing him or her and chancing that mistakes won't be made and set a powerful murderer back on the streets is much too risky." Atlas looked at every hero in the meeting in the eyes. "Villains like that? Like this sick fuck who murdered our friend Pulsar by draining him dry of his blood?" Atlas made everyone see and feel his resolve where his best friend's murderer was concerned. "I'm not going to take such a risky and dangerous chance. I'm sure as hell not going to dishonor Pulsar's memory by letting his killer live when Pulsar is lying 6 feet in the ground."
Mother Nature put her much smaller hand into Atlas's large hand. "Villains like the one who drained Pulsar of ALL his blood?" She looked at her husband, Atlas, in his now tear filled eyes. "The ones like him are much too dangerous to let live. This is a war we're fighting Jack. People, preferably the bad ones, die in war."
"In war you kill your enemy before they kill you or innocent bystanders Jack." Atlas added on to what his wife had said.
Finally Admiral, an immortal weapons master and tactical genius, finally spoke, "Atlas and his lovely wife are right." He looked at Jack and Lightning. "I too will hunt down this dangerous villain and execute him for the safety of potentially the entire planet."
All the superheroes knew that Admiral wasn't being dramatic. They could feel it in their gut that this 1 particular supervillain had worldwide plans and looked like he or she could actually succeed if not stopped. Permanently.
After a couple minutes of silence Jack responded, "I can't tell you what to do. Jack, who was potentially the most powerful hero in the world sighed with obvious disappointment. "But I will not be the one to say whether a bad guy needs to be killed." He then looked directly at Atlas. "We can not give ourselves power to decide who lives and who dies."
"I will never make that sort of decision either." Lightning sided with her soon to be husband. No one expected differently.
"Well," Atlas stood up to his full 7' foot tall height, "when I find this Dracula wannabe? I WILL kill him." A couple of tears fell from his eyes over the thought of his best friend being murdered in the manner he had been. "I WILL get justice for my boy Pulsar."
"Justice or vengeance?" Jack asked Atlas.
"As far as Pulsar's murder goes, they're one and the same." Atlas leaned in very close, almost nose to nose with the extremely powerful Jack. "And if you happen to be there when I end the bastard? Don't try to stop me." Atlas walked onto the building's balcony, located on the top most floor of a brand new skyscraper. "Unless you just love hospital food."
Jack glared at the massive hero, not liking the threats made to him. Before Jack could respond Mother Nature leapt onto Atlas's wide muscled back a moment before her husband stepped off the ledge and dropped down the entire 80 floor height to the sparsely populated public park below.
"A.L.F. set up…" Jack started.
"I am already sending the needed funds to the city workers with the correct paperwork for them to start repairs from Atlas's landing." A.L.F. interrupted. He sounded a bit like a secretary mixed with an emotionless sociopath.
"Where do the rest of you stand on this issue?" Lightning asked as she massaged Jack's tense shoulders and neck.
"You should know my answer." Admiral answered with a smirk.
"You'll choose the best tactic if/when the situation presents itself." The floating and semi-transparent form of Ghoul, answered.
"If you just went by his name and looks, most would assume him a villain. In actuality he's actually a really great guy with a slightly dark and twisted sense of humor.
Ghoul got his name because he's stuck being halfway between alive and dead. He refuses to tell anyone the story of how he came to be in "living dead" ghost like form.
Admiral gave Ghoul a quick sharp military salute, then went to the waiting elevator.
"And you Ghoul?" Jack asked a little warily.
"I don't have a problem killing someone like Pulsar's murderer." Ghoul paused for a few seconds. "But only if the bastard leaves me with no other choice." Ghoul silently disappeared.
"I will kill, but only if all other options are not possible." Shifter told Jack and Lightning.
Jack just nodded. Shifter then shifted into the form of a massive bald eagle with at least a 50 foot wingspan, then with one mighty flap of his wings he flew outside to wherever it was he wanted to go.
"That asshat better not shit on my new car." Lucifer growled.
Lucifer wasn't his real name, but like Ghoul, he has a twisted sense of humor.
"What kind of car did you buy this time?" Lightning asked with a genuine smile. Lightning didn't understand, probably never would, Lucifer's love of all things automobile.
"The new Dodge Demon of course." Lucifer gave Lightning what he thought was a seductive and sexy smile.
"Will you kill?" Jack asked, finished with the small talk. Definitely finished listening to Lucifer flirt with his fiancee.
"I honestly don't know Jack." Lucifer looked down at the expensive Italian marble floor. " Pulsar was my best friend too, more so than even Atlas was to him." Lucifer winced as the deep sting of loss ripped through his entire being like God Himself bitch slapped his heart. "We did our hero gigs together more than we did it solo."
"I didn't know." Lightning walked to Lucifer and gave him a friendly comforting hug. He stiffened for a moment, not used to others showing him any degree of comfort or affection. Lucifer though soon relaxed and wrapped his arms around Lightning, returning the beautiful woman's comforting hug.
"You've always been the best of all of us." Lucifer said to her as he released her and took a step back. "Jack the only answer I can give you right now is, it'll be up to the murderer on whether I take him in alive or if I kill the son-of-a-bitch." Lucifer teleported out of the brand new skyscraper without giving more of a explanation.
"Looks like we're outnumbered about not killing this villain." Lightning sighed and shook her head in sadness.
"We might be wrong." Jack was even more tense now. "Maybe the world would be safer if one or even all of us executed him."

Klepto sat at his kitchen's bar eating his third 10 ounce Porterhouse steak, fifth loaded baked potato, and two whole New York style cheesecakes that he knew he would also polish off.
The staff at the 6 figure a month, high end apartment building he was currently residing at, must be shocked as hell that his food orders/consumption has recently risen 300%. Of course he didn't care one iota what they did or didn't think concerning anything dealing with himself. He'd bought the top 5 floors, including the modern state-of-the-art penthouse suite that took up the entire top floor, exactly 2 years and 3 months ago. He's always made sure to treat the entire staff and every resident in his apartment building with kindness and respect. He wanted everyone associated with this building to believe with absolute certainty that he was an upstanding citizen. That made it much less likely that anyone of them would remotely suspect that he drank the blood of talented normals and superpowered beings alike. With his extremely high IQ and the powers he'd taken over the years has allowed him to draw up the perfect, foolproof plan and to execute that plan perfectly. So far.
"This morning Channel 4 News received an anonymous call saying that a high level hero was murdered sometime early this morning." The attractive red headed anchorwoman announced.
Of course he knew every beautiful detail of Pulsar's murder. Klepto also knew everyone else (I.e. reporters, local police, Federal authorities, and of course the heroes) would only ever know who the victim was and how he died. When the time was just right he would then reveal himself to the world. That part of his grand plan wasn't far off.
"The local police, FBI, and a spokesman for the Heroes told the press that the body was discovered shortly after 3:00 a.m. this morning." The pretty anchorwoman said with a little sadness in her voice. "The name of the fallen hero has yet been released. Sources for Channel 4 News tell us that the murdered hero is either Lightning or her longtime boyfriend, the amazing Jack."
Klepto smiled wide at that specific speculation.
"Oh dear, your sources are either lying to you or they're simply just morons. Those 2 lovebirds' time is coming though." Klepto began to chuckle, but then it quickly, and suddenly, turned into a loud and frightening cackling.

Chapter 2
*start of Ch.2 Page 11*

It had been a week ago since Klepto had drained Pulsar of all his blood, not missing one drop. He had even licked the bowl he'd used to catch the speed power infused blood.
A whole week since he had drunk the red nectar and now he was jonesing for more powerful blood. Badly. The M.I.T. campus was a 3 hour drive from his temporary hideout. After he left there today it would burn to ash in less than 30 minutes. The pyrotechnic power he stole from a wannabe supervillain would destroy the entire building and any trace of himself that even a team of bloodhounds would never be able to pick up.
M.I.T had a renowned Theoretical Physicist professor, who taught at the legendary university, fulltime.
"I don't need another damn Physicist to drink dry." Klepto growled, thinking to himself.
Just a hair over 1 year ago he had drunk the world's best Theoretical Physicist, a professor from Cal Tech, at the professor's own private runway. The pathetic genius was waiting for a G5 private jet to surprise his wife with a second honeymoon for their 40th wedding anniversary.
Klepto knew enough about String Theory, the theory of time travel, the Multiverse Theory, plus many other theories and hypotheses of physics. For now at least.
A instinct that Klepto knew to never ignore, told him to look around the far corner of the soon-to-be fireball. Klepto casually leaned against the red brick wall and looked around for whatever his instinct wanted him to see.
That's when he Klepto saw her. The "most dangerous woman on the planet". Most thought she was up there with the elite men's MMA fighters. The Women's Featherweight Champion of the World. She was a famous, and certain future hall-of-Famer, MMA fighter.
Klepto smiled to himself. With the class of heroes and villains that he constantly went up against, he never passed up a highly talented fighter. Superpowered or not.
She would pose a severe threat to most normals, but Klepto was far far from being normal. Everyone, except Klepto, believed Level 3 to be the highest level for a superpowered person. Soon Klepto would show all of those Neanderthals just how far past that level he was.
Klepto estimated that he was a Level 5 at the minimum. A Level 7 at most. He would only keep improving himself even after he accomplished his "Grand Plan".
The Women's Champion signed autographs for 3 teenaged girls, who were practically worshipping the beautiful fighter. Dozens of equally idiotic fans were left with only a wave and a karate punch to the air as their parting gifts.
Klepto quickly recalled the last article he'd read about the model beautiful warrior. Her net worth was estimated to be around 250-275 million dollars.
The champion's picture and signature were on nearly every single one of the fans clamored around some Jewish deli, hoping for more than just seeing her with their own eyes.
"Damn fans think I owe them my time and autograph whenever they see me outside of the ring." The champ sneered in anger and disgust. Thanks to her Limo's soundproofing and tinted windows, her fans could neither hear the angry complaint nor see the sneer on the beautiful Amazon's perfect face.
Klepto agreed with the female champion completely. She didn't owe those slobbering fanatics a damn thing. Turning invisible, a power he had stolen over 8 years ago, he then used the newly acquired superspeed to zoom inside the back of the Limo just before the door was shut by the driver.
Remaining invisible so he could watch the fighter out of sheer curiosity.
The Champion raised the solid black soundproof divider to block herself from the driver's eyes and ears. She then reached inside her dress, between her surprisingly ample breasts.
Klepto smiled as he greedily took in the gorgeous woman and her perfect sized breasts.
It has been 10 months since he last bedded a woman.
"Her tits definitely don't look that perfect when she's fighting." Klepto thought as he continued to look his full of her muscular yet very feminine body.

© Adam Guy Sprague