

A Hand pump
The man was lost in a desert.He was so tired.All the water he had carried a couple of days ago became empty.He knew for sure if he didnot get water he would certainly die.After completely exhausted still he didnot give up his hope.He kept walking to find a good fortune.
After a long walk he saw a hut.But he thought it may be halluciation.He had no option left he gather all the energy left collected and dragged the body to the hut.When he edge closer he felt its real.He opened the hut but nobody was there .It showed it had been abondoned quite some time back..His heart skipped a beat after see what was in that house "A HAND PUMP".
He overjoyed and work out the Hand pump but no water came.He tried again and again ,not even a single drop of water came.He become frustrated and irritated.He started thinking i may be destined to die out of thirsty.
Again a second ray of hope flashed in his eyes......."Bottle of water"Corked up to prevent evoporation.There was a written message near the bottle " use the water to start the pump after you have done fill it.Again he was in a dilemma ,what to do ?only two option he had, pour the water in to the pump as per the message or ignore the message and drink the water.
At last he had a leap of faith in that message so he decided to pour the water in to the pump .His hands trembling and he prayed god,then he started pouring the water.Suddenly he hear the gurgling sound of water and the water came out forcefully.He drank the water and quenched his thirsty.
He was looking around the house and he saw the pencil and map of the region.The map showed he is too far from the civilisation and also now he knew which direction he go next.He filled the bottle and corked up as per the instruction ,at the same time he added his own line with it.... that is "BELIEVE IT ,ITS WORK".
In our life we all had own journey ,we make our own choice of decision sometime our choice bring right way then,we can tell people believe it work ,,...we just give hope.Sometime we go in a wrong way,then we share our experience ,mistakes we made ,what we realised all those things .We share and empower them to make a right choice.