


The Egyptian Pharaoh Cats and the old and bearded priest Shůb-ťhaht waited and waited for Walter Nestor; but to no length of time did he come back. The dilapidation began to spread further, and already had some of the more ancient Egyptian Pharaoh Cats of dream begin to smell that horrid stench of decay.

The trees looked half-burnt, and no mighty eagle came back with the dreaming writer, Walter Nestor. Wholly in despair, the purple and pink bubbles scattered around monotonously again, retreating from the abhorrent infestation around them, so that they might send a message to Shůb-ťhaht regarding Walter's disappearance.

But what the priest and the army of cats thought to be a pleasurable message turned out to be a very sad heap of news.

Walter, who had supposed to slay the evil dream daemons and save the dream-world, had died in his sleep, and there was no way that he could return. And with this, the old, soon-to-be published anthology under his name, the Book of the Eight, shall cast his name, 'The Desolate and Desperate Poet'.

There already had been rumors as to what exactly killed mr. Nestor, but never was there a true conclusion as to it --- or at least in the Waking World. The cat-general already half-knew what killed him; that horrid dilapidation to which he must have accidentally touched when he fell down into the valley of nightmare.

So those cats began to think, and the purple and pink bubbles went out more westward to a different biome of dream. The dilapidation almost flew out, before allowing the cats to escape.

Yet one survived, and went through the portal to the gods. But the Infinite Horrible, an old yet wise god, had surceased hope, but allowed the cat to go on a quest to find the dreaming heir to Walter Nestor, so that one could slay the dream-daemons.

The dilapidation had already been cured by Gagnarotothoa thence, and then the cat was off to the old realm of Lucid Dreams, Lenore, to find the warrior of the gods.

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