

Putting on an act
Of course I never loved Mark I can't believe boys still fall for that it's all just putting on an act.
Chapter 1:Aiden
Sarah I can't believe I'm the leader of the cheerleading squad this has been my dream since sixth grade. Yeah I know I don't like cheerleading but it's great that you got that part Gabby. So let me introduce myself,my name is Sarah I'm sixteen,my parents are rich,and I have lots of friends and a boyfriend his name is Aiden he is really cute and we have been dating since seventh grade. Anyway back to the story. Why don't you like cheerleading it's super fun and you can do it with your best friend. I just don't Gabby there's nothing fun about going up in the air and breaking all of your body parts. Whatever we'll talk more after school they cancelled cheer practice today there's a gas leak in the gym and they need to get it fixed. Oh okay let's meet at my place my parents are in a business meeting and will be away the whole week. Awesome let's have a party. Okay Gabby,we can have a party. Yay, you're awesome Sarah. Of course I am I'm everything. Whatever Sarah I'll see you later. Bye Gabby.
That's my best friend Gabby we have been best friends since fifth grade her parents are rich to and are always on business meetings but they hire a house sitter so no one can go in and steal or something like that. Her parents are pretty lame but mine aren't they give me a huge allowance just for doing my own laundry and most kids I know don't even get an allowance but I'm very self centered and don't like talking about someone else for to long so let's get back to me.
Chapter 2:Unforgettable Night
So we decided to have the party Friday night cause there will be drinks and of course people are gonna have a terrible hangover so might as well give them the whole Saturday to recover. My friends help me set up after school Friday it was awesome we have a pool so people could swim my parents have lots of expensive alcohol so I put that out and we have a theater so people could watch movies and everyone was invited.
So Gabby what time did you say the party was again? I told everyone it was at nine so we could have a while to set up everything. Okay good now come on help me with all of these floaties and this trampoline so people can jump out the window without breaking there leg this time. Okay but that was only Andy he is the only one who jumps out the window like that. You're right Gabby but there are gonna be much more people now so we need to get them something to land on. Ok I guess let's go set up this trampoline and make Sabrina and Ruby help. Yeah,they have barely done anything except eat my snacks and drink the alcohol.
So after we finish setting up it's already 9:05 and that's when people start showing up and of course Andy came to jump out the highest window again. Hey Sarah you go talk to the guests I'm gonna go talk to Hannah and Rachel. Ok then tell them I said hi. Alright bye Sarah. Bye Gabby. I go and greet the other guest but I get drunk and it's actually fun to jump out the window and onto the trampoline but it hurt my leg. So I go up to my room to grab a bandage when I find the most shocking thing I've seen in a while.
Chapter 3: Heartbroken
I go up to my room to see Aiden and Gabby in bed together. Are you serious right now I invite you to a party and you sleep with my bestie well ex bestie now. I just needed a bandage for my leg but I want you two out of my house right now and lose my number both of you. Wait baby pleasr just let me exp- NO GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! YOU SLEEP WITH MY BEST FRIEND AND NOW YOU WANT ME TO LET YOU EXPLAIN THERE ARE NO EXCUSES GET OUT! Ok then if that's what you want. Yeah I do now leave you to Gabby I don't want you talking to me either so go. Ok but I won't stop trying you're my best friend. Bye Sarah I'll see you at school Monday.No you won't but I'll let you think that. I don't even wanna sit on this bed anymore I need to wash these sheets gross.
I go back down to the party my leg wrapped up and see Mark,which is Aiden's best friend he's cute and has beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair I go up to him knowing what I'm going to say already. Hey Mark how are you doing? Oh hey Sarah I'm doing good this party is awesome so glad you're parents are away. Let's make it a little more fun wanna swim with me? I would love to come on before all the floaties are gone. We both run to the pool and cannonball into it swimming to the last floatie we have to share. So where is Aiden? He said he would be right back but I haven't seen him. Oh him well I caught him in bed with Gabby so I kicked them both out. Oh wow what a cheater that's messed up I would never cheat on someone as beautiful as you. And I would never cheat on someone as handsome as you. Yes I have him right where I want him just enough to make Aiden jealous.
Mark's POV
Yes I finally got the girl of my dreams I always liked Sarah she's not like other girls she doesn't like cheerleading she isn't crazy about her looks her long blonde hair and her beautiful green eyes make me want her more she's so beautiful I knew Aiden never loved her one day he found out I liked her and asked her out and she said yes I was so heartbroken but now she's mine and only mine.
End of Mark's POV.