

Life becomes boring if it is lack of struggle. Rita, a small town girl, believes it strictly. Since her childhood she is struggling in different ways. Now as a matured girl she is struggling for her career. The old memories overcoming the challenges make her more strong in present days. She could clearly remember those little but most important things of her life.
One Day,finally she got a job. Settled in her life. Now she wants to take a rest from all these struggles. She becomes busy with her daily routine. Then the proposal comes. The proposal for her marriage. Everyone of her family is excited for this occasion, because she is now 28. But Rita, she wants a break from the challenges. She was afraid to play the role of a wife,or a daughter in law, or a mother, and most importantly as a housewife. Then the thought of widowhood came accidentally to her mind.She has goosebumps. Her heart wants to cry loudly, but her thoughts reminds her the happiness of her family.
Then she realizes that if she fears to face the new challenges, her life will be boring. She agrees to the proposal. Her marriage is arranged in a great form.

And then she starts with some new challenges, new resolutions and ready to play some new roles in the Her simple world.

© Darshana chaya