

Sorcerer Origin: Laverna Spigot
Laverna “Granny” Spigot spent her younger years dabbling in the dark arts. Of course, that’s all behind her now. As the proud grandmother of four beautiful wee-ones, Laverna’s world revolves around family. Her two daughters, Eileen and Harmony, are her pride and joy. She also carries her deceased husband, Filburt, in an urn attached to her belt. Don’t ask what happened to him.

Laverna’s childhood was absolutely wretched, so best not talk about it much. Her mother, Mrs. Gwendolyn Spigot, was a spell-caster of the paranoid sort, consumed by her work and perpetually ill. A brilliant mage in her own right, Gwendolyn served as a professor in a nearby arcane college. Her financial skills, however, were not so good as her magic. Gwendolyn’s research quickly bled their coffers dry, and they lived on a shoe string for eight miserable years.

At sixteen, Laverna left to live with her idiot grandfather instead. Though his pockets were considerably deeper, he was a rotten man with no love but for drink. Laverna spent as much time avoiding him as she could, which eventually led to her joining a “Girl’s Club” with a focus on enchantments. In hindsight, “coven” was probably a better word for it. Here, Laverna fell in love with all things otherworldly and grim.

Now she is old. Very old. Older than the bones in the hills and the mold in her basement. Her adventuring days are long over, and her staff collects dust near the hearth. That is… until she receives a bill from her grandson’s wizard college. Strapped for cash and desperate to make it, Laverna sets out to make bank. Retired no more, she embarks on one last adventure.

© Katherine Steffeter