

Love of Social Media
Once upon a time a young boy name “Rahul" used to active all the time in social media, he used to be active all the day that his whole day would pass with a Eyeblink.

Rahul is very intelligent boy, he is always positive, he used to dreams of studying at Harvard University, becoming the richest person in the planet, walking on the soil of Mars... etc... etc...., he used to visualized for making impossible to possible.
But! But! But! their's a twist, Rahul is very very lonely, demotivate, lack of confidence and very lazy person.
Although he is a kindhearted and good person. But he is dominated by all the negative thoughts. But, with a milliondollar huge smile on his face, used to keep fighting like a warrior.

But, one evening an angel came to his life. How she came from the bright sky; fade somewhere like in the darksky. But, in that moment she gave him a beautiful moment of life, taught the lesson of life that he is something special, he can achieve anything what ever he wants, and how to fly high above the sky.

Slowly time has started passing minutes to hours, hours changes to days and days to months, but one night when Rahul realised that he couldn't sleep for his heartbeat her, Rahul immediately run towards her for describing his feelings in front of the world. But, it was too late..............