On Empathetic Defects And Its Relationship To Arrogance
For people who have empathy, consideration for others becomes much easier. For people who have critical thinking skills, that empathy and consideration for others can be guided and filtered for making superior moral decisions. Arrogance hinders empathy, consideration for others, and critical thinking, as the arrogant tend to more frequently disregard the agency of others while they also care less about maintaining bridges and instead of maintaining them, they often just burn them. There are some people who are neurologically incapable of empathy (Often through brain damage), these people are not inherently bad people, it is only when they are also arrogant that such becomes a problem as critical thinking can easily enlighten one on the importance for the agency of others as well as the importance of building and maintaining bridges.
Only the arrogant can truly believe that they need only themselves for everyone has inadequacies as individuals and the capacity for potential growth is limited for each person as individuals have different strengths and weaknesses as well as different passions and motivations while our lifespans limit our possible headway in terms of meeting our full potentials. An arrogant person may mock the overall intelligence for someone based purely on the observation of a single area of that person's intelligence, but the reality is that intelligence is a matter of specialization and thus for every genius, there is an area to be found where that person is effectively a dunce. A truly arrogant person is more likely to suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect than they are likely to acknowledge all of their personal duncehoods.
When one uses empathy, the greatest use for it resides in the best process of moral reasoning we as human beings are capable of, while the second most common use for it resides in media immersion where we are better enabled to enjoy a form of media due to being able to empathize with the characters in said media. It would be intellectually arrogant of course to devalue that second mentioned use of empathy as it is often a key to much needed therapy for people, however it is otherewise irrelevant to the topic being discussed here. The moral reasoning I speak of is one where morality is determined through empathy and consideration for others guided and filtered by critical thinking for the end goal of minimizing harm and maximising merit (Will be referred to from here on as prime moral reasoning) Such is not a system for morality that arrogant people can adequately adhere to, as they tend to be too overconfident in their cognative abilities to be able to consistently think critically all the while their valuation of self...
Only the arrogant can truly believe that they need only themselves for everyone has inadequacies as individuals and the capacity for potential growth is limited for each person as individuals have different strengths and weaknesses as well as different passions and motivations while our lifespans limit our possible headway in terms of meeting our full potentials. An arrogant person may mock the overall intelligence for someone based purely on the observation of a single area of that person's intelligence, but the reality is that intelligence is a matter of specialization and thus for every genius, there is an area to be found where that person is effectively a dunce. A truly arrogant person is more likely to suffer from the Dunning Kruger effect than they are likely to acknowledge all of their personal duncehoods.
When one uses empathy, the greatest use for it resides in the best process of moral reasoning we as human beings are capable of, while the second most common use for it resides in media immersion where we are better enabled to enjoy a form of media due to being able to empathize with the characters in said media. It would be intellectually arrogant of course to devalue that second mentioned use of empathy as it is often a key to much needed therapy for people, however it is otherewise irrelevant to the topic being discussed here. The moral reasoning I speak of is one where morality is determined through empathy and consideration for others guided and filtered by critical thinking for the end goal of minimizing harm and maximising merit (Will be referred to from here on as prime moral reasoning) Such is not a system for morality that arrogant people can adequately adhere to, as they tend to be too overconfident in their cognative abilities to be able to consistently think critically all the while their valuation of self...