

The Baby and the sweet Woman (chapter two)
When I walked in and caught her she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen she had food in her hand and diapers and wipes I asked her a few question about why she had wipes and stuff she was telling me because she was taking care of the baby because she lived 12 minutes away in a village and she was sent on the quest to help the baby so we talked then I helped her snick the baby out and she took the baby home she raised her as of she was the mother and we got each other's name her name is Kathy she was so sweet and every night I will go to her house and help her with stuff and with the baby and we would get to know each other and one day I told her I liked her and she said good because I like you to so we went out for a few times then we got each other phone number. After 4 weeks of dating her we broke up but I still know deep down in my heart she is close