

Online Dating part 1
In the yr of 2019, Alexis palacio had started her first yr of high school.7 months after, her high school had closed down due to covid 19.Stuck at home bored she had nothing to do so she decided to create a Facebook page hoping to have people to talk to in her lonely world.

15 day's of having the FB account she met a lot of people. despite all her friends, she found happiness in one girl (bell Harlem).Bell was so much like Alexis they both shared passion for art and other things.The only time Alexis would get sad while talking to bell was when bell bragged about her 3 boyfriends and Alexis had non,.this was because her parents didn't allow her to date.

March 15 2020
evening had started to fall as Alexis sat at the window on her Facebook account. She had just finished partying from her sister's birthday. Going through friend request.she saw this handsome guy, with red and black hair.he looked like the type of guy she would have dated if she was aloud to date.
Sure he very handsome but what caught her attention most was his red and black hair.

The friend request he had sent her was a week old, she wondered how she couldn't have seen it.
She took awhile to accept the request, this was because her mind 2as giving her doughts about it, a voice in her head kept on telling her no to accept but she did anyways.

As she hit that bottom she knew for some reason that this guy would change her life forever.