

Building-up myself
And as I begin to build-up myself, again the evening ruin everything.
Now , left only with broken pieces of glass. Again everything got messed up within few moments 😭, don't know what's happening.......no way to search for the way towards the previous journey.
And writing all this shits over here for the satisfaction of an area of my alarm clock 😑 ( my brain).

Feeling as if the world has reached to it's end, completely empty , all alone in this Alian World. So mischievous to think of.....how can someone not to able to adjust at a place where he have spend more than two decades. How that same place keep turned into killing his own soul slowly and rediculously........as if going through a torture.

Quite strange and unbelievable , but I need to believe bcz what's happening is much more worst than ever be defined.
only a pray to all the superpowers existing in this universe 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 plzz help if you can!!!........ everyone believes you......so u can, nd u have to for your own child 😢😢

Thanks my soul, for this incredible feeling to feel onn.

© ankii Singh