

Opposite Attracts: chapter 2 : Sara struggle
Wendy stormed into the detention room , her anger still simmering . She slammed the door behind her , making the teacher , Mrs Thompson , look up from her desk .
"Ah , Wendy , welcome back to detention", Mrs Thompson said , her voice calm but firm .
It was obvious that Wendy was a regular customer.
"Please , take a seat and hand me your slip".
Wendy reluctantly handed over the slip , her eyes flashing with defiance . Mrs Thompson scanned in with her expression unchanging .
"Insolence,huh ? , well you are in good company today ".
Wendy snorted , rolling her eyes fixed on the clock .
Just as she was starting to relax , the door burst open , A guy with messy black hair and piercing blue eyes sauntered in , his confidence bordering on arrogance.
"Hey Mrs T", he said , flashing a charming smile . "sorry I'm late ,traffic, you know .
Mrs Thompson raised an eyebrow "save it for someone who cares Max. Take a seat ".
Max grinned, his eyes locking onto Wendy's . " Hey , looks like we're in this together, Red ".
Wendy's eyes narrowed, her anger reigniting. "Don't call me that".
Max chuckled, unfazed . " oh, I'm shaking in my boots".
Wendy gaze turned icy , her temper simmering just below the surface. This guy was pushing her buttons.
Max continued to prod Wendy , trying to rise out of her . But Wendy was a seasoned detention verteran , and she wasn't having it . she remained stone faced , her arms crossed , and her eyes fixed on the clock .
But max didn't give up. he kept talking, sharing stories about his various exploits that had landed him in detention. Wendy remained unimpressed, but then max said something that caught her attention.
"...and then the kid pushed me , and I just lost it . I know it was stupid, but I could help it " .
Wendy's eyes flickered , her eyes locking onto Max's . she saw a spark of understanding, and her anger began to dissipate.
"I know how that feels", her voice softening.
Max's grin returned , and he leaned in , his voice taking a conspirational tone .
"I knew you'd get it , Red. we're not so different, you and I ".
" can you guys shut up" Mrs Thompson warned them, but they ignored.
Wendy raised an eyebrow but didn't deny it , she now saw a different light in Max. maybe he wasn't just an annoying trouble maker , but someone who understood her own struggles.
As they continued to talk, the tension in the room dissipated and Mrs Thompson's warnings faded into the background.
Time flew by, and before they knew it, the detention period was over.
They got up and stared walking towards the door Max turned to Wendy with a smile . "You know Red you and I make a good team ".
Wendy rolled her eyes, but a smile played on her lips don't get to cocky max, it's just detention".
As they walked out of the room together Wendy couldn't help but feel a spark of friendship has been ignited.
It was all ruined when Mrs Thompson called Wendy back in...

.o. .o. .o.

Sara was still reeling from Wendy's out burst in class . She couldn't believe her friends behavior and she knew she had to talk some sense into her . But before she could even process her thoughts , Mr Johnson called her to answer a question.
Her mind went blank as she stood up , her eyes scanning the room in desperation. "the answer is... Um..4"
"wrong , would anyone else like to try"
Sara sat back down, her face burning with embassment . she couldn't believe she didn't know the answer. it was a simple question, something even an eight grader could have easily answered.
As the class continued, Sara's embarrassment turned into frustration. she couldn't concentrate on her lesson, her mind wandering back to Wendy's behavior. why did her friend have to be so reckless and impulsive ? didn't she know that her actions had consequences ?
But Sara thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell, signalling the end of the period. she breathed out a sigh of relief, gathering her stuff ( "And" Wendy's since since forgot her bag) and headed out of the class.
Next up was P.E class, something Sara usually enjoyed. But today her mind was else were , she couldn't focus on the game. she was distracted, her thoughts still on Wendy and what she did.
And the disaster struck. A stray ball came flying out of nowhere, hitting Sara squarely on her cheek. she lost her bal ce and fell on the floor . she yelped in pain, clutching her face as one of her teammates rushed to her .
"Sara, are you okay ?" asked one of the teammates Emily, with a concerned look on her face .
Sara nodded , still wincing in pain.
"Yeah , I'm fine. just a little clumsy" .
But as she stood up she knew she wasn't fine . Her cheek was throbbing, and she could feel a lump forming. The Nurse's office became her refuge, where she spent a long time trying to collect her thoughts...


"See you tomorrow, Sara!" Wendy said, waving goodbye as she continued down the street, oblivious to the forgotten assignment.

© Thepineapple