

Where do I believe? Who do I believe? Where did I come from? Growing up, African American, these are questions some may ask. Born, with a little of this and a little of that. Just in one American can be a huge melting pot of culture. The question is, how do the people of this great country, keep to their roots. Any place you go in the world has it's own way of life and culture. The spiritual and religious practices come in a variety of ways to live and reasons to worship.

The term, "Demi-Human", derived from people's faith system and elevation to the spiritual plain. Not to get confused with, Demi-god, which insinuates a sexual relationship between God and man! Demi-Human's have excepted God and their strength and faith come from above. They wear the wholeness of the God they serve. It's their protection! As one, they will and can fight, the evils of this world. It is a blood right from a vase majority but most that come in contact with it, will be changed forever.