

Souvenirs Of Mansion
4:50 PM

[Aislinn goes with Thomas to check mathew's luggage. She starts to search the luggage.
There are his clothes and some other stuff but the research papers are gone they are not in the

Thomas, are you sure there is only one suitcase maybe he had another bag too?
The research papers are not in there. Perhaps when Rebecca cleaned the room she put them

I don’t think he had another bag my lady when Rebecca cleaned his room she moved all the stuff
to this suitcase.

Then, it means whoever took his body might have taken the research papers too. I should go back and see if Eugene got something.

[Eugene was looking devastated sitting on the chair in the fireplace room like he had lost hope]

Why are you looking so sad Eugene what happened did you find the body? Any signs? Maybe
any clue?

I searched the whole mansion the body is nowhere to be found. It’s like that the body vanished
into thin air.

Eugene look I’m pretty sure that I came in this mansion for a reason. I just forgot it when I open
my eyes here but if you help me find the body and other clues then maybe I’ll be able to
know that reason, and possibly able to go back to Zurich.

I’ll help you Aislinn. And we will go back Zurich together.

Eugene I think Andrew's definitely hiding something last time when I searched his room there were some kind of notes all over his desk.

You think that those might be the research papers that we are looking for.

It’s a hunch. I’m not sure maybe.

Okay I’ll check his room.

[While Eugene goes upstairs to Andrews room Aislinn tries to figure out the clue inside the

I don’t think I have to read this book there might be some kind of clue in it.

[Aislinn turns over the dried pages of the book just like her memories but finds nothing]

There is nothing in this book. How could there be nothing the key exactly points out this book.

[Suddenly something strikes her mind.]

Maybe the clue was not this book but the place where it was kept, the library.

I should go and check the library again it is my last hope.

[Aislinn goes in the library with a hope to find something that might lead her to somewhere.]

I should check that place where the book was kept.

[Aislinn takes the ladder and finds the spot of the book.]

I think something is engraved on the wood but it is so dark here I can’t see it clearly.
Oh! there is a flashlight in the library I should use it.

[Aislinn grabs the flashlight hanging on a hook , turns it on and tries to see what is engraved on the wood]

Oh my, this is some kind of unique language here I should write it down on my notepad.
What this means now? Will this lead me somewhere?

Thomas might know something about this language but I can’t trust him he might mislead me.

I have to talk to Eugene.

[Aislinn goes downstairs to find Eugene]