


The linger of undecisiveness, the wonder that stays, and the look it gives us with eager eyes, it's with me even now.

The confusion of the soul, the detachment of the Spirit from the body, and the longing of these beings to be one.

Parts that wanna stay, while others want to go. What should I do?
Should I go? Should I stay?

I have to go, that much I know. But why do I stay though? Why do I eat when I shouldn't, run when I should walk, laugh out loud when I should quiet my raging head storms.


Choose to go left when going right is clearly the correct way to go?

I'm tired. So so tired of this game of stop.

So I will flow where the river takes me. Take instructions from you Oh God, and smile til it hurts, because I know this time it will be okay.

So I'm moving Father, coming towards you with my open arms, and a heart ready to receive you.

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