

Prison Mom
She couldn't believe it had already been four years since he left. All that time missed. Birthdays, Christmas, Halloween. They just kept coming, and they just couldn't be together for any of them.
It was a crime he didn't even commit. Eight years ago his grandmother had a bad episode of dementia. She called the police and said he pushed her down. He had not.
He panicked and left, and, when the police got there, they rushed her to the hospital where they found cracks in her hip from a degenerative bone disease.
Being the state of Texas they immediately blamed him saying it was his fault, and the state picked up the charges.
He didn't blame his grandmother and neither did she. Her name is Lexi, and this is the story of how she dealt with her sons time in prison.

The day drug on rainy and nasty as could be. Of course, here in Texas, if you don't like the weather wait five minutes.
Lexi wasn't totally alone, thank the Lord. She had her daughter Heather. They did pretty much everything together. They went shopping, watched tv together, and went to the spa for mani - pedis often. And every night at about the same time her son would call, and she would talk to him and relay messages from her son to her daughter and vice versa because you could only talk to a person if they were in the list.
This was just one of the inconveniences of him being in prison. "How goes it Mom," asked Brent? "It's going," she replied. "How about you?How was your day?" "Oh you know just living the dream." Life was hard without him here, and he knew it. She was taking care of her elderly father, his sister, and his grandmother. She really needed his help with bills and all these other things, but she made a point not pressuring him about it. She really was a great Mom.
"So, what did you do today?" "Not much just reading the book you sent me, and trying to make commissary.They only let us go every so often."
On top of the bills she had to pay, and the people she had to take care of, she also made sure he had things to read and something to eat other than the "chow" they fed him every day.
"So Mom, I wanted to give you some good news for a change!" " What's that?" she asked. "Well I've been here for thirty eight months now and I saw parole today!""What does that mean? " she asked."Their was silence for a moment which made her anticipation of what he might say next almost to much to handle. And in a quiet voice he said to his mother" I'm coming home Mom"...
She let out her breath her nervousness faded and all she could do was smile.