

Her life..she Never Fitted.. was always left out.
It's years now that she distant herself from her husband's side of the family
She felt really good, no more tears about the way she was treated back 35 years ago.. When she walked out of her monsterious in laws....
It's been beautiful years, to be own her own boss in her own home..
they wore her down by discriminating her religion,her children.
The clothes she wore..she had to take orders from the entire family,cook breakfast..wash the dishes, thereafter prepare lunch, wash the dishes again then cook dinner wash dishes again.. How stupid was this 19 year old silly girl to take orders like this,she never once until this day complained to her parents, because she at the time thought she fell in love with the right person.. Was it really love.. If it was!! he would have stood up for her,he did not
Until she said enough is enough and walked out of that house.. She made her own life.. And still they want to find faults in her..this time she is going to tell them exactly what they need to know about themselves.. Rather they making her a victim of the own there own Bitterness.

In conclusion
She never fitted in
Never was...
But she became a woman and realized life did not revolve on the opinions of bitter people.

© shri.m