

that Winery Unknown
It was in the wine plus cheese I found
a body and he was not alive. But where did it come from the winery had cameras. And no one saw anything on camera but they did see a lot of people run around this area plus this winery.
Then in my sleep last night I heard I am doing this but without fighting or incidence all people leave your areas in
the middle of this pandemic and go. All
man why? So in the mist of that one dead body and no one knows where
it came from but the cheese and wine
tasted great. But the police never found the killers even if they came up here for
To check for what ever they could find. I feel as if I been given a cold looking for the answers and I have still not found them but one day they may fall
out the cheese and grapes on this places
vines on what a tangled vine it is of cold cases and unsolved mysteries. In a world of unknown at this winery and
hot spot of people getting in others place without being investigated or invited but the the killer where are they
And one day when will I catch them
in the mist of the rain in the winery
Of who killed that fine guy hmmm I will never know.
© lashes