

🎲 💰 Ouija ....The Spirit Board
“To be a man of worth and accepted by the mass as their heartthrob is not a joke but it takes no time to turn into the depths of hell. Just knock on the door and see a warm welcome waiting for you to end up your trace on this earth.

Staring at the ceiling fan and ignoring my sight can’t make you hide from me …

Are you listening to me”, roared Mr. Banerjee.

Rhianna was shocked by the sudden outburst in the terrain of peace, knowledge, and silence. Suddenly She saw a young boy fleeing from the library.

“I know this boy, I’ve talked with him several times. I don’t know his name, but he is a bookworm as far as I know”, with a series of thoughts gushing inside, Rhianna left the Central Library borrowing the book “Ouija Board” for a week.

The world is full of unsolved riddles waiting to be solved, to be analyzed, and to be understood. Rhianna, a student of humanitarian background never imagined the existence of a parallel dual world till the time she started reading “Ouija Board”. That night she couldn’t make herself sleep. She couldn’t remember where she saw the boy before, who fled away from the Central Library that day.

“Stop, stop……stop that boy”, Rhianna hid in a corner and observed the boy who was chased by a furious mob. Suddenly the boy stumped in a book of big volume lying on the road. He lost his balance and fell. The uncontrolled throng dragged him to the roadside and tortured him inhumanly.

“Please let me go, please let me go. I am Subhra, not a burglar”.

These words vibrated in Rhianna’s ears several times. She cursed herself of being failed to help the poor fellow. Suddenly her inner sense took her to the place where the boy rolled down. A book of big volume caught her attention. She went closer and picked it up. ‘Ouija Board’ was written in bold black letters.

Suddenly Rhianna got up from bed. She felt her heart beat faster and her entire body sweating. Taking a short heavy breath she moved towards the bookshelf. She took out the book which she borrowed from the Central Library that morning.

“ I don’t know what made me choose this book but if what I am thinking is true, I was forcefully attracted to this book by an unseen power.

I still remember the name, Subhra …and he is the same boy who fled away from the Central Library and the one whom I saw in my dream just now.

Why? I don’t know but I feel he is no more and want me to communicate with him by the ‘Ouija Board’.

As Rhianna was lost in a world of preternatural thoughts the sun rose bright and fair welcoming the morning. Birds were chirping happily as the bright rays of the sun touched and caressed her skin.

Thinking that the Central Library carries a secret message for her Rhianna made up her mind to pay a visit once again.

“Good Morning Mr. Banerjee . Yesterday I felt you were very angry. If you don’t mind may I know what made you act so furious”.

Listening to the words of Rhianna, Mr. Banerjee, the librarian took a deep sigh.

“ Yesterday I rebuked Margaret because she is an addict. Though she regularly visits the library, she intends to take the banned drug here in the temple of knowledge. I too informed her parents. By the way, how is the book ‘Ouija Board’, have you started reading”.

Not getting an answer which she was expecting, Rhianna with a fake smile asked once again.

“So, Mr. Banerjee you mean to say that it was a girl whom you were scolding yesterday. Wasn’t it a boy, wasn’t it Subhra. I saw him running out of the Library after you acted furiously”.

Mr. Banerjee gave a fading smile at the unexpected words.

“By the way, it was a nice joke. Now you go home, take some rest. Remember to return the book next week or else a late fine will be charged”.

Rhianna was a regular reader of the Central Library. She never saw Subhra before in the library. Moreover, she was confused as Subhra was the name which she heard in her dream.

Surrounded by a cloud of bewilderment, Rhianna walked along the footpath. How she reached home, she doesn’t know.

Recollecting the last two unforeseen days, she tucked to bed and finally lost into a dreamland.

The clock showed 11:30 night. Making sure that everybody was at sleep Rhianna crept out of the house slowly and silently with footstep as a catspaw. She doesn’t have proper knowledge of calling spirits. She even doesn’t know if they exist. Finally, Rhianna took out the Ouija Board from a bag. But this time it’s not the book but a real Ouija Board which she prepared and designed after reading a few pages of the book.

After lighting a candle in the middle of the Ouija Board, Rhianna chanted some words which she didn’t understand but did so because it was written clearly in the book.

“Subhra……are you listening to me. I don’t have any intention to hurt you. I felt you send me a message in my dream. Are you listening to me”.As soon as Rhianna completed her words she saw the coin kept in the board vibrating and finally rolled to the box where it was written ‘YES’.

Rhianna understood that Subhra’s spirit is trying to communicate with her but he needs a medium to channelize his words.

“If I afford as the medium, how will I hear your words”.

Taking a deep breath and with a deep faith in the Almighty she closed her eyes and started murmuring, “ I am dedicating my right hand for you, a pen and a paper in your name. Let you empty your words with me and let your soul rest in peace”.

The morning sun brought with it a wish which was never fulfilled. Rhianna opened her eyes and opened the unevenly folded paper.

“I am not a burglar. Please perform my ceremonial rites. I am Subhra”, tears rolled down her cheeks as she read those words. She too got an address written on the button of the page.

Rhianna never thought, her regular visit to the library will someday engross her in such a task which the common mass will never believe but she believed, believed in what she had encountered, a paranormal encounter.

© Chinmoy