Stalked: Cemetery Chuck
Now that title is True. Chuck lives in a trailer/house.. called...The Pet Cemetery. And there are pet's buried there..old pet's.. That's hafe of the tail..the outher say.. very sad is to say nothing.... Chuck is a EX Marine... Heroin/Speed User... Heave User.. I met Chuck in DHS near Palm and Dillon.. the pet Cemetery is about 2000 feet on Dillon..West.. Chuck at that time drove a White (I know what's with the white cars).. Pontiac..cop style car.. 90s.. common car.( a little off the point but electric bill came in from front meth dealing house..181.00$.. im on a 25 amp..fuse.. it's day I'll leave this Meth Nest and Snich it on my way out the door..the heroin too...oh excuse me). Chuck too did Heroin..still does I'm sure... Chuck is about 55 ish.. physical.. White.. tattooed.. little hair if any.. Now there at the Pet Cemetery (this is almost 2 years ago.).. on the corner of Dillon and Palm 🌴. Is a house of interest..a quick list..#1. Chuck told me his day moistest the grand son..#2. The Black man in the White Car Limo..was there a week or so before The attempted muder. on Christmas night about 1am.. Two Christmas ago.( 12-26-19).#3. Chuck bwas more than likely one of the three people that came into the hills to kill me..on that date.#4 Chuck says he is into Evil things.. like Under age sex pumping.. and human trafficking.. All this will be run in a liniler story.. I'll high lite details.. but it's simple enough..the Black Man in the White Limo car.. Got,paid.or would pay Chuck to kill me.. The black man Security Guard did seems like a Heroin dealer...when I seen him talking to Chuck in his Yard..the Pet Cemetery. So let's try to set a time line.. I met Chuck.. when I was sitting under some tree's about 1/2 mile from the corner of Dillon and Palm.. Chuck's Cemetery was between the tree and the Cornor..(a liquor store).. I used to drink a lot... Now I'm pushing hard to get in to shape to lose the Hit team.... Drug addicts...