

Coping with fear
Coping with fear remains one major thing people had to deal with especially at a time like this when the havoc of the corona virus is ravaging the world globally.

But one thing to know is that everyone copes with fear differently.

Most People react in various ways that can make others feel uneasy,panicky or cause concern.

While some can make you really feel calm and believe its all going to be fine.

However, which ever way one tries to deal with fear depends on the persons understanding of the situation and how he or she has decided to deal with it.

But do you know we can tend to retreat, step back, stay away and isolate ourselves from the situation at hand and the news?

One sure way to cope with fear during troubling times like now....with Covid-19 pandemic is putting our trust in God.

However, God knew that we would face this situation right from the day we were born … even before that!

Remember, he is always with us in difficult times.

I want to encourage you today that you can also be an encouragement to those around you who are struggling with fear.

Fear not because God has got us and had promised us safety and protection.

He said that we will go through fire and we will not be burnt, we will go through the waters and we will not be drowned.

So we we are armed with this truth and knowledge of who God is and what he can do and knowing that we are his own,we won't allow fear grip us over faith.

God's word also said that those that put their trust in him will never be put to shame.

Now the only limiting factor is when we do not believe or trust him. So if you are yet to accept him as your Lord and saviour and trust in him,this is the right time to do so.

In this time of uncertainty, the only sure thing to do is claiming our stand and faith in God who is the author and finisher of our faith. In him there is no shadow of turning.

So friends, I urge us today to embrace God and put our trust in him for our safety and protection.


CEO Amyinspireshub