

Dire Wolf Diaries- Of The Wolf Clan
CHAPTER 2-Troubling Times
It was dawn, light barly peeked out from over the herizen. Wind slowly bushed and puled the grass like waves of an ocean. Little One awoke to Neema nugging her. She rubbed her eyes, slowly opened them and smiled at Neema. Little One streched as she sat up. She looked around, the rest of the pack was ready for the daily hunt. Little One lazaliy climbs on Neemas back, as always they headed out. She clings to neema as they ran through their huntting grounds. They weaved around trees, went down mounds of earth, and stocked amidst the grass. It was going to be a trying day.
As the day streched on the pack had missed oppertunities, caused by a twig napping or hasty mistakes. They continued trecking along, but no prey had been detected. In mid -motion, Neema stops dead in her tracks, aware of what danger was lurking around. Recognizing the boady language of Neemas growls and stance, Little One discreetly slids off Neemas back. She was instantly pushed to the middle of the pack by Seeka and khola. Neema stood fearless out in front, listening to find were the enimie would appear from. Little One stood stiff in the middle of her pack mates, unsure what she should do.
Suddenly a sabbor lunged from behind the bushes, towards the pack. It stood about as tall as Neema, and has certantly seen some brutal battles. One of its eyes had been scared shut, along with battle scares all over the rest of its boady. Neema cut off its path in one swift motion. The rest of the pack stands at the ready in case Neema needs them. They bark almost as if rooting for her. The sabbor srikes at her, Nemma dodges of to the side flawlessly. She retaliates, going in for a bite to the throat. The sabbor met her with a paw to the face. Neema stumbles back , shaking her head. The growls of her mom and sabbors battle frighten Little One and she covers her eyes. The two circle each other, letting out sounds of frustration. Then the sabbor jumps up, Neema jumped back, and springs forward landing a deep bite on the sabbors upper shoulder.
It roars out in pain,Neema steps back to gain momentum. Neema uses all the muscle she has, and takles the sabbor, causing the huge, fanged cat to roll a few times. The sabbor slowly stands, bracing its self on the good shoulder. Neema shows no sighns of giving up and the sabbor limps off, yeilding from the brual with her. Little One could hear that things had quieted down, she slowly spreads her fingers from her eyes. Through the slits of her pateed fingers, she saw Neema standing there in front of her.
Little One looks up at her and notices the wound that the sabbor had givin her. The wound was just around her eye. it was mieldly deep and blood dripped from it. Little One begins to cry and whimper , Neema lickes the tears from her face. Little One cant help but giggle and smile, eyes still watery. She throughs her arms around Neema in a loving embrace. Little One carefully climbs onto Neemas back and the head for home. Neema, tired from the fight, lyed down, with khola licking her wound, Seeka standing protectivly behind her, and Little One cutled up to her, she drifted off to sleep.
It had been a couple of days sence the pack could find food, and what they did find wasn't enough to go around.On one day, while wandering, the pack managed to catch afew small animals but not everyone got to eat. It was time to hunt again. This time Neema took the pack outside the normal hunting grounds in hopes for a better chance of getting food. Things didn't seem to be looking up, it would be the third day without a decent meal.
The pack started towards home. They had made it back into the normal huntting grounds on the opposite side they left. The pack continued hunting along the way, for any chance of picking up the sent of a prey animal. They walk along the outter edge of the territory, but still they found no prey. While the pack is sniffing about they find a diffrent sent instead.
The pack paused, sniffing the surrounding area, they could smell that it was another preditor. That it wasn't just one , but a pack of five dire wolfs like themself. The other pack of dire wolfs have been hunting within their turf. They were slowly moving in to the territory, and by the sent, for quite some time now. Little One sits on top of Neema as she watches her pack mates. They are growling lowly and their hair is starting to spike up. She didn't understand exactly what was wrong.
Having two packs of dire wolfs hunnting the same territory ment a shortage of meals. What managed to survived would eventually vacate the area. It became clear why the prey was more skeptical. The other pack was trying to encroach and take over the territory, it was a silent challange to Neemas pack. This could cause great difficulty for them. Night fall was closing in, this was an issue they would have to sniff out after some rest. The pack would need all the enargy and strength they could muster to take back what was theirs.

© Leann Dixon