

If I could have elder sister
There was a boy who lived in vandru village.He lived there with their father,mother and small brother.He felt sad because he has no elder sister.He miss very much of her elder sister which he had not.He think if I could have a elder sister ,because with elder he want to share all her thinks which he don't want to share with his parents and small brother .He think and think of elder sister if he could have elder sister he would loved very much lot.He was a lazy, unknowledge person,fear,unconfident and with zero knowledge.He thing that only elder sister can make her a good person.He want to make a strong bond with her elder sister.He cries when he think abot elder sister.He liked to work on some creativity.He liked song,sing,decorate home and some times cooking.As he was a negative and positive thinker which he likes both thinking but he want to leave negative thinking which he could not.He want to stay with positive but he could not because of the negative thought,he alway try to bring positive thought .He want to share all her problems with elder sister.He alway think why God did not give me elder sister?He asked his mother why I not have a elder sister ? He cries in her inner heart of not having of elder sister.He think that elder sister can make him strong.But have no elder sister. Elder sister ....Elder sister.....Elder sister where are you.......I am misssing a lot.......!!!
I cannot stay without elder sister .......!!!God please give me elder sister.