

Magic Potion
No! Don't drink that! " screamed the woman. But we both were too tired and thirsty to resist. She stared at the empty bottle and ran out. We looked at each other and realised that our heartbeats have suddenly got raised up ; felt like a two hundred beats per minute ; but it didn't felt like a heart attack, it was something very powerful ; something supernatural. Within a few minutes the iris of our eyes turned blood red and our eyes beaming like flames. The next minute we sprung straight up towards the roof and smashed it up making a big hole. We didn't stop here and kept on accelerating like a rocket until we reached the top of a pine tree. We both looked up towards the full moon and soon it's edges started turn reddish orange. We then heard cries of people from a village down the valley. We looked into each other's eyes and the flames lit up in our eyes. We crawled down the tree with lightning speed and ran towards the village. I don't know how, but we knew what we were doing was our ultimate goal. We smashed the small huts in search for three babies. We found them, picked them up and took them with us to the hilltop closest to the moon which had by then turned to pink in color. We placed the babies in a circle on the cliff and sat inside that circle, facing the moon. As we were staring the moon, as if to send some energy to it, our bodies lit up with fire ; we didn't feel any heat. As our flames grew higher the moon, too, turned red. We both were like a huge fireball, with three babies surrounding us. Three vicious circles were completed : the babies, we the fire ball and the moon ; and then, there it was. All black, as if burned with our flames ; a crescent shining at the center of it's body ; and eyes redder than blood. A second later it was standing in front of us and we were kneeling before it.
It looked straight into our eyes and soon we came back to our senses. We knew what happened after that drink but we didn't knew what was standing in front of us. And then it spoke to us, " I owe you a wish for bringing me back to existence."
And then we realised why our other three camp mates were killed by a pack of wolves except us ; why that pack stopped chasing us when we reached that woman's cabin in woods ; and why we reached up to only that bottle, out of many others, containing some strange potion.
Everything became clear within a seconds.
We never knew, what we asked from a strange red shooting star last night, was going to be granted this way.