

The girl I met when I was 19
Partied, parted and party pants back in wardrobe. I thought of leaning back on the newly bought rocking chair, chill with a cup of coffee and stay away from the little gadet that always held me busy. I have heard the say Man proposes, God disposes and so it happens mow. with a notification sound from my phone, my plans changed . It was a mail and I found it was from the girl I met at the party. My mind which was free and calm, now again went back to the party and about the girl I met . Something made her different, something made her special , something was hidden behind her bright smile and some sob story behind her teary but glittery eyes that was for sure.
Her email just had a Hello in it but still made me feel like she was going to narrate her whole story through it.
I replied to her in excitement, and still the message was just a "hello there ". Though I waited , there wasn't another response or email . And things skipped from my mind and I got busy with my own work .
However, amidst my rethinking about good things that have happened in my day I thought about her once again.
The next day I woke up to the email of the same girl and the email stated
Cafe Coffee Day , Orion Mall , 10 AM . I have no idea how she supposed that I would be free and available for her meeting then ..I wondered about the same and excitedly reached the destination half an hour earlier to the time she mentioned.
The very moment I saw her walking to me , I found that her smile was permanent and not by any chance did she want to show what she was actually feeling at heart .
She was the girl I met when I was 19. The girl with a pretty smile and beautiful but teary eyes.

To be continued.......

#storytime #story #tobecontinued.
© #aish