

Review #1 Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir
Originally published: 4 May 2021
Genre: Science fiction
Legendborn rating: 4.2/5

If you have not yet read this book then I would suggest you to read is as soon as possible. Such books come out rarely.

Project Hail Mary is a fast sci-fi thriller according to google,(I think it depends upon your speed or anxiety 😉).

So basically there is an astronaut who wakes up when we start reading ( readers are very noisy 🤣), by a robotic device which tests his senses by asking elementary school questions.

Ryland Grace (far future relative of Annabeth grace from Percy Jackson), was a school teacher who is recruited by Eva, an UN task force official, to go to a 12 light years away solar system.

His flashbacks provide us that a probe sent to Venus finds that the sun's periphery is being covered by unusual growth of an organism colony. Soon the sun would get very dim resulting ice age on earth. The microbiologist cum teacher, Ryland had boarded The hail Mary spacecraft which was going to Tau ceti , the said solar system which resisted the same organism.

Find out more by reading this perfect page turner.

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