

Facts about 5 natural food that are actually man-made.....


Yummy...Orange is a fruit from the citrus family and has a sweet and yummy taste that keeps everyone smiling and refresh especially when cooled.

Do you know that orande is a man-made fruit which every variety traces it's roots to the man-made hybrid created by the crossing of pomelo with mandarin?

The pomelo is almost as bitter as the grapefruit, while the mandarin is sweet.The mandarin has an orange colour and some people misidentify it as a variety of the orange. Whereas, mandarins are ancestors of oranges...

So now you know how this sparkling fruit is formed.


Everyone love this because of it nice smell especially when it's roasted.

The modern peanuts or groundnuts are hybrids of two older types of peanut(groundnut): the Arachis ipaensis and the Arachis duranensis.

The Arachis duranensis grows in the Andean valleys between Bolivia and Argentina. While the Arachis ipaensis grows inside Bolivia. Both plants were so far apart that they couldn't have crossbred naturally.

Researchers discovered that the earliest settlers in south America took the Arachis duranensis from the Andean valleys as they migrated into today's Bolivia 10,000 years ago..



I love banana🎶🎶...

Banana is a man-made hybrid of the wild Musa acuminata and Musa balbisinsna banana spieces.

Musa acuminate has a fleshy inside, but has an unpleasant taste.Whereas Musa balbisinana has a pleasant taste but contains too many seeds.

Both banana naturally crossbred in the forest of south Asia. However, the resultant banana which is the ancestors of the modern banana was sterile.

About 10,000 years ago, early humans discovered the hybrid and learned that they can replant the shoots to create new trees!.They engaged in selective breeding and only replanted bananas with favourable trait.

This led to the creation of the modern banana you see today... Wow interesting!


This is mostly vegetarians favorite..

Is really nice especially when eaten with pancakes... My favourite.

Carrot have not always been ORANGE.Natural carrot are either WHITE or PURPLE and probably not edible.

The orange carrot you see today, is a hybrid of the yellow carrot, which is a hybrid of the white carrot.

As the selective breeding continued,the carrot muted from WHITE or PURPLE to YELLOW and finally ORANGE.Selective breeding of carrot continued until modern times to improve their colours and flavours..

Speechless huh...?

And lastly


This is the number one item for making stew or tomatoes sauce..It's really yummy and juice when fresh.

Tomatoes weren't red until the 1900s.

According to historians, the Azteas cooked and eat tomatoes that were small and yellow. In the sixteenth century the Spanish conquistadors brought these tiny "golden apples" back to Europe, where it spread through Britain, China and Italy.

But the red tomatoes that we eat today didn't exist until the mid-twentieth century. Scientist wanted to create a sweeter ,better, juicy and tasty tomatoes, so they muted the "u" phenotype and crossbred tomatoes breeds, to create a uniformly red tomatoes.!.....

Guess everything tempered

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