

The Sunny Doll (part 1)
Oni- Ogre in Japan

For the last five years, the Sunny Doll has served the Oni Family faithfully.

As she promised, she brought sunshine in the bamboo forest when the Oni Family went out to hunt, making sure the rain wouldn't soak their searskin hide.

In return, the Oni Family hung her out on the window to enjoin the view and bask in her sunshine.

She could remeber when she was a lifeless doll made by the rough hands of the Monk, coming to life when he changed a charm over her.

She was stuffed in a basket with others of her kind and the Monk traveled all over Japan with them over in his bag. Slowly... they began to disappear... one by one...

Until she was the only one left... On one a cold night however, when the Monk stopped to take a breather, he was suddenly surrounded by a family of Oni!

"Please! I beg you not to eat me!" The Monk pleaded but the Oni Family laughed and growled, pelting him with stones until he died.

Before he died, he breathed out his final words. "The Sunny Doll will bring you 5 years of service and shall wreak disaster upon you all...."
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