

The Rebuilding of a Realm- Chapter One- The Reward
Once the traveling party returned to Flowermist City, the rogue, Odizana, headed to the Thieves Guild to pay her dues to the leadership. Meanwhile, Riordan, being quite tired of his current company, made his path to the governor's manor. Erres found her cousins drinking and celebrating at the tavern, telling tales of dragons felled. Billy was unsure of where his path would take him, but knew the first step was to confront the governor and request his reward. His eradication of the goblin uprising would surely be an important point in history.

Governor Sildarius was having his audience in the courtroom today, and Riordan and Billy waited their turns to make requests. It seemed like half a hoard of citizens had business that day, and they were both quite exhausted by the time they were summoned before his desk. "So, I have been told our little infestation of green beasts is exterminated. To whom does the boon be rewarded?" spoke the large man. "I completed your task, and am deserving of the reward," Billy quickly spewed, not giving Riordan the chance to speak. "Then I restore to you your status as a noble of this realm, and with it the boon of Cliffjumper Castle and all land within a ten-mile radius of it," rattled the governor. Riordan collected his thoughts and chose his words delicately. "Your eminence, Sir William is a great man. He is however not equipped with the experience to maintain this boon. He will run it into the ground with best intentions." The elf then turns to leave, taking this pause of communication as his opportunity.

"Then it is settled, elf. You shall be given an allowance to live within her walls and advise the young new lord until such time the people vote you out," shouted the governor in a boisterous voice. And the matter was settled, though history will rarely see a less likely duo than an orc and an elf. As they approached the exit, they heard the announcement. "Odizana Tealeaf, member of the group of thieves living beneath our streets. She was caught trying to sell the crown of Sylvanus himself to another member of the gang." Riordan rushed to the side of Billy and suggested that a good noble would offer to accept free prisoner labor to lessen a prison sentence.

"Can the accused work off her fines in my granary and mill, your eminence," Billy casually requested. The court considered the proposal and agreed with the request, pending that a host of guards watch her continually, and her community service was set to continue for one full year. Odizana joined her friends and they, along with three guards, returned to The Dirty Shank to check in on their Dwarven allies. Erres had some surprising news for the group, and quickly interrupted them with, "My cousins have asked that I stay here in Flowermist! And they say that the temple of Hestia is needing a cleric and I'm a cleric. I'm staying here!"

With her mind set, there was nothing the group could do with the exception of wishing her good luck as they paid for their rooms and dinner. They had a long road ahead of them, and the sun waits for no one.
© Geoffrey Shelton