

Little Tony
One day my family and I wanted to take a tour of a cave. So we went. Once we entered the cave it was dark, cold and moist. I kept telling my little brother some scary stories to freak him out. I was successful and he almost started crying. My mother told me to stop it and to listen to the guard guide. So I did. I snapped a few pictures here and there. But then I felt a tap on my shoulder. At first I thought it was just a water drop. But it wouldn't stop tapping, I naturally then thought it was my smaller brother being annoying as always. So I don't even spare him a glance and tell him to stop it. The tapping stopped. Till he started pulling on my arm and it hurt, so I turned around and told him to stop and pushed him slightly away. I just heard a slight: "huff". But then he bit me. My little brother actually bit me! He has never done that before, so I just slap him and scream: "ow!", as I flash him with my camera. My mother, who heard me asked me what the matter was. I just told her that my little brother just won't stop annoying me. She then just replies: "But honey, what are you talking about. Your little brother is in the front with your father. Isn't he?" I tell her that he must have come to the back to us, because who else keeps annoying and hurting me? So I tell her I even snapped a picture of him and show her the picture. We have never been so scared in our lives. That is when it tapped my shoulder again and said: "Will you play with me now?" We were paralyzed. I just screamed and grabbed my mothers arm and ran. I have never run so fast before. When the rest of the group asked why were running, since it's dangerous to run around in a cave. We just shouted at them: " Just run!!!" So my mother grabbed her husbands arm and her sons little hand and we started running. The tour guide of course too. I mean if an entire family is running out of a cave screaming, wouldn't you run with them? Anyway... We finally got out of the cave and the tour guide asked: " So what on earth is the reason for your recklessness?" I just showed him the picture. He just started at it and said: "Oh. It seems like little Tony wanted to come out and play. So why did you run from him. He is completely harmless." He just stares at me blankly waiting for an answer. My mother grabbed me by the wrist and we slowly backed up. The whole family like it was timed just started running. Again. We finally arrived at the car and drove home. We never stepped foot at a cave again. And later on I did some research and found out that the cave had some dark rumours and that it was closed down ages ago after a tour guide mysteriously disappeared. A person who took his last tour said that: "The tour guide just said that he felt someone tap him on the shoulder and asked him to play with him. My tour guide probably thought it was one of the children taking the tour so ofcourse he agreed. But when the group was waiting for the guide to talk again, he disappeared. We looked for a while, but... We were kind of freaked so we left the cave for good." This statement was taken 50 years ago. That means the guide should have been and old man. But he wasn't. He was still young. We told the police what happened and they closed down the entire surroundings of the cave since it seems that when ever they closed down the cave itself, the guide would keep opening it. So let's hope he won't somehow open that as well and starts the horror all over again.

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