

(Echoes of Unheard Pain: A Journey Through Love and Neglect")

Next day, the same thing happened again: Artav was ignoring her completely. She was confused too; yesterday he was good and nice, making her feel that everything was okay, but the next day, he was acting differently. His changing behavior was continuously hurting Seza. He was treating her according to his moods. Seza was in Artav's car, returning home after classes, when the song "Forever by your side" played. Seza drastically cried upon listening to the song because they had huge memories connected with it. She cried loudly inside the car, and Arshana asked Artav to lower down the volume. Instead, he turned it off aggressively. Seza felt ridiculous but was unable to handle the pain, so she cried openly. It became her last drive in his car.That night, while Seza was about to sleep, she received a call from an unknown number. She answered, and it was Artav's mom.

Artav's mom: "Hello, Seza, how are you?"

Seza: "Hi Auntie! I am fine! What about you?"

Artav's mom: "Yes, I am good too. It's been a long time since I contacted you, so today I felt like talking to you. Is it okay if we talk?"

Seza: "Yes, sure, Auntie."

Artav's mom: "So, how are your studies going?"

Seza: "It's going well."

Artav's mom: "I heard that you were sick. How's your health now?"

Seza: "It's a little better now. I am taking medicines."
Artav's mom: "See, Seza, I know you are quite pressured by the boards and studies. Just eat well and prioritize your health. Okay, take care, and get good rest."

Seza: "Okay, Auntie."

Artav's mom: "The reason why I called you was that Artav is behaving quite differently. He's not like before; he always locks himself in his room and seems so sad. Is everything okay between you both? He's not sharing his problems with us. Maybe he will share with you. Please try to ask him, okay?" Seza felt sorry for his mom; she wished she could say that he is ignoring her, he is acting like a stranger. Seza just replied, "Okay, Auntie."
Artav's mom: "I am not going back on him asking what's wrong, thinking that you are there to handle him."
Seza felt like crying listening to it; she just couldn't speak further. She cried silently and stayed quiet. Artav's mom: "Okay, Seza. Study well and take care. Okay, bye."
The call gets disconnected, Seza puts her head down towards the pillow, covers her mouth, and cries loudly.
She tried to call Artav, but he was busy on another call. She tried continuously, but it was busy, and after a while, she got the text: "Please don't call me, I am studying. You too study well."

It's been a week since Artav was ignoring Seza. Every day and every night, Seza was hung up on one thing: "Why is he ignoring me?" Neither call nor text from Artav came through. Seza was in a situation where she didn't know whether they were still in a relationship or not. She dialed his number many times, but he never received her call, nor did he reply to it. Seza was frustrated; Artav was neither accepting her nor letting her go. She couldn't understand what he was doing to her. This pain was affecting her health badly. Seza couldn't take it anymore; she called Manas for help and dialed his number.
Seza: "Hello, Manas, it's me, Seza."
Manas: "Yes, Seza, how is your health? Are you okay?"
Seza aggressively replied: "No, I am not fine. I might die soon. Please help me, Manas, please." She begged and cried on the phone.
Manas got panicked and said: "Hey, Seza, please calm down. Please calm, calm. Now tell me what happened?"
Seza: "You all were there when I was about to be with Artav. You all said, right, Artav is not going to hurt me. You all guaranteed, right? You all said that you would sign that Artav is not going to hurt me, never. See, now it's been almost a week. Artav is ignoring me, hurting me. Why are you all not standing with me? Where is your support? Where is that guarantee? He took me for granted, Manas, only for granted. I can't do anything. Exams are near; I can't study. It's distracting me. Please, Manas, I can't take it. Please, I want my Artav. I am nothing without him. He made me dependent on him,and in these situations, he is not with me. Please, Manas, help me. Please, you think of me as your sister, right? Can't you do that for your sister, huh? Your sister is not doing well.""She is completely weak to face everything. I can't even share my pain. It's only you whom I am sharing my weakness. Please..." She cried desperately.

Manas could not bear to hear Seza; he too became emotional listening to her. He couldn't utter a single word; he was completely shattered seeing Seza in that condition.

Manas: "Seza, please don't cry. It's my promise, I will help you. I will talk to Artav. Don't cry; everything is going to be fine soon. Stay strong."

They disconnected the call...

After a few hours, Seza got a call from Manas.

Manas: "Hey, Seza, I talked to Artav. Okay, don't be sad. He said that he will talk to you tomorrow. Don't cry; everything will be okay. He will clear it up tomorrow. Take your medicine on time. Take care."

Seza: "Thank you, Manas. I will always be grateful to you for helping me. Is everything going to be okay?"

Manas, after a long pause: "Yes, why not? Everything will be fine. Be happy, sleep well, and yeah, come tomorrow. Okay, bye.
She was so happy; she went towards Ana and said, "Tomorrow everything is going to be sorted out. We will be like before, a happy couple. I am so happy, I can't wait for tomorrow."

Ana was very happy to see the glow on Seza's face. Despite being sick, she managed to be happy and enthusiastic. Seza hugged Ana and said, "I will treat you with your favorite food tomorrow, okay?"

Seza took out her diary and started expressing her happiness.

17th Dec

Dear diary,

I am so happy because tomorrow Artav and I will be sorting out all our misunderstandings and be happy forever. He has been hurting me quite a lot, but it's okay. I will slap him many times and make it equal. I really missed him. Being apart from him is more difficult than I ever imagined. I see reminders of him everywhere I look, and they make me ache to be near him again.

I love him with all my heart. I cherish every moment we spend together, and I loved him even more in the moments when we were apart. You know, Artav always asks me what thing of his I like the most. I never said it to him before, but tomorrow I will tell him everything which I have been keeping inside my heart since the day we started our relationship.
I will just hug him tightly and never let him go, and I will say, "I love your sense of humor. It's one of the first things I noticed about you."I love your optimistic nature. You always try to see the good in every person and situation, even when I can't see it myself. When I look at the world through your eyes, it's a better place.

I love the way you look. You're so handsome, but you don't seem to realize how good-looking you are. I see the way other people look at you, and I know they envy me for being with you. I'd love you even if you weren't so darn handsome, but I'm glad you are.

I love your gentle hands. You're such a strong man, but you have such a soft touch. When you take my hand in yours, I feel safe and cared for. I can't tell you how wonderful that is.

I love your generous soul. Whenever someone's in need, you're the first person to lend a hand. Some people might think you're a little too generous and easily taken advantage of, but I know better. You just can't resist helping because you understand how easily you could find yourself in the same situation.
I love the way you kiss me. Your lips perfectly fit with mine. I love those quick kisses you shower me with throughout the day, and I love the way you sweetly call out my name. They make my toes curl, and I shiver with delight.

Most importantly, I love the way you complete me. You are my soul mate, the one I thought I'd never find. You cheer me up when I'm down and help me find balance when my world is out of control. You make me want to do the same for you. When I think about all the reasons I love you, I begin to wonder why someone as special as you loves me. Isn't it cute?

Although it's been a week since we have not been in contact and Artav has ignored me, we haven't talked much. But tomorrow I will spend all my day holding him beside me and talking about all the things that happened within this week. But firstly, I will slap him for ignoring me and making me cry.
I am so happy; I am not able to express my happiness. Goodnight, see you tomorrow with my happy and cheerful mood. My bad days are gone, everything will be okay from tomorrow. Artav will fill my days with happiness. I really missed Artav. ❤️❤️

After writing her diary, she went to bed, she was so happy, and so was Ana. Seza was thinking about next day with Artav.