

just like the shadows..
Xavella!!xavella!!she could only hear him scream her name,she couldn't hold on any longer she felt her hands drifting from him ,she knew he couldn't safe her and still a part of her knew he wanted her to have a little hope not to give up but she found her self falling !falling darkness enluding her sight and sone enough she couldn't see the light........
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Uhhhh....was de sound that escaped Vera's lips as she tries to sit up on de bed ,she runs her eyes slowly .....and then trys to massage her neck,
I think I slept on my wrong side"she said as she continues twisting her neck ,then her eyes became wider what the heck was she doing...it was already 7:00am and she had to be at work b4 seven thirty ....she hurried out of bed and straight to the bathroom she knew she was going to be late ,then Mason would have another reason to shout at her ...he have been enjoying that lately threatening her of losing her job...yeah right she didn't like her job anyway ...Vera McClinton is a graduate of Texas university, perhaps the youngest since she was only 20,at a younger age she had shown much wisdom ,she had always wanted to be an archeologist , researching about ancient artifact buh she was stock at dis job doing nothing but paperworks ,showing guest around de museum , doing that everyday made her even jealous she wanted to explore things no one had ever seen before,and maybe someday own her own museum ...she would always imagine hearing her name“vera McClinton founder of Vera's museum and de applause that follows....hmmmmm shall we continue ma'am "one of the many tourist would always say bringing her mind back to reality where she was stocked with a job that reminded her she haven't accomplished anything why won't they just allow her to be lost inside this imagery ...this had always been some complaint from tourist nd the constant nagging nd yelling nd banging from meason or should she say MR James meason , Vera lived with her grandparents but now she had to take care of herself especially when Grandpa died and grandma was admitted into the homes for elderly,she had tried finding a job that could expose her more to that deep state of archeology ..oh well life's not fair ...
Ouch !!not u again"Vera said administering to de pimple in her forehead as she brushed her teeth
Later on she took a shower nd off to work she went she was going to ght a coffee at de cafe b4 entering the museum ..she walked quickly so as not to miss the buse ....
“vera where are you??
Mr James gonna let hell lose today if
Ure late again.....
That was Milly her co worker nd also a friend texting her by then she was already inside the bus not after some struggle ...she had a feeling that she was going to lose her job that day buh why was she so indifferent about it why wasn't she sad ..... something in her wanted her to worry but she was not she only felt that something big was coming....when the bus came to a halt Vera stood up ready to move out when someone brush passed her
Rude"she thought everyone was always in a hurry,she enlightened and went straight to the cafe opposite the museum
Uhm...I want a large coffee please...Vera said not sure of what she wants ...she was served nd she paid b4 leaving
That scent of the museum brushing pass her as she stepped in it wasn't fully opened for the day yet ,she walked into her office and dropped the coffee on the table she didn't have appetite for it ....y did she even buy coffee ....she stood there not knowing what was wrong staring at the paperwork at her table she felt anxious about something but what could that be??
Miss Vera Mr James would like to see u "Stephen a co worker came to inform her
Ok thanks"Vera replied as Stephen left
She strood onto mr James office (he was the manager)
Come in!!mr james voice came from the inside when she had knocked
She was nervous standing in front of him why was she nervous??she hoped her body language didn't expose her...
I believe u may have a hint on why I have called you ??Mr James said not looking up from his paperwork
Maybe for a promotion "Vera said amusingly with a smirk on her face ,but James didn't find it funny as one of his eyebrows where up this shows when he was serious ,he was gazing at her bewilderd
Miss Vera ...he said standing up ....u never find anything serious not my warnings,not ur job not even your life ... everything amuses u nd trust me if I was ever gonna change ur position ..he said coming closer to her “it is to demote u ,maybe u can be a clearner or something or even a doorman...forgive me doorlady "he said with a smirk on his face
Vera couldn't speak hatred for this man made her boil inside ...
Let me not waste your precious time ..Vera knew he was being sarcastic while saying the “precious"
I know u have other important things to do that always makes u late 4 work he continued “i wanted to tell...
Vera knew what he was going to say do she didn't let him finish
I'll save you the trouble meason "she never liked calling him mr James she believed it makes him feel he was higher than everyone...I quit," Vera said nd turned around leaving the office never to be seen again ....
The offer for a doorlady is still open unless u change your mind!!!""she could hear meason scream after her ..dis made some of her former colleague to giggles
The anger inside her burn more,
Why was she even angry nd pissed off she had a feeling she was going to lose her job today but wasn't sad ,why this now??she asked her self as she left the museum.
Standing at the entrance,she was contemplating on what next to do .......she can feel that determined girl in her fading away , maybe her life could just be pathetic forever "she sighed
She boreded a taxi nd stopped at a local library,she usually find peace of mind in Reading and another reason was her work ,she wanted to complete an article “Twas the path of believing"
She strood into the library .... Her eyes capturing any section of the library she could see ,it wasn't that large anyway other people were there too ,
She found a section and sat down
Good day"she tried greeting a young man beside her but he didn't respond maybe he didn't hear her or maybe he was just engrossed in what he was doing.... before Vera could complete her assessment de man stood up and left...maybe his just rude or it's me"vera said to herself ,she wasn't in for a discussion anyway ,she brought out a notebook from her bag and placed it on the wooden deck ....hmmmm "she sighed ,she didn't think she was going to concentrate ,she had tried suppressing that voice inside her reminding her she lost her job she didn't have any source of income except from her books ,she didn't want to think about it ,gently she placed her two palm on her forehead nd her elbows on de deck closing her eyes ......I won't tell Grandma ..I won't want her to worry ..."she said to herself...
Excuse me ma'am "a voice came ,a young man she thinks, a familiar one .... slowly she looks up ...her face lightens ,she had always missed that face every minute of her life after graduation she stood up nd embrace him,he concurred...
.Andy!!!she called him aloud with a giggle her lips stretch to both of her cheeks exposing her well sectioned teeth forgetting she was in the library ...
Shhhhhhh"came the sound from the library attendant an old woman with a mean face ,she always wondered why they are always mean .....Andy made a gesture with his fingers pressed on his lips and with the other he gestured to the seat ....vera understood as she seats down immediately....
Where have you been???was the first question that escaped her lips..
Before I answer that I believe we should leave here before we get in the nerves of you know who _...he said amusingly ...
Oh !!right"vera said packing her books into her bag ....Andy took her hands and they left the library...
© realjacy