

Killing time (a short story)
I go by many names, but most just call me a time waster. Nevertheless today I have seven spare minutes. The first three are always the easiest because there siblings. They live in the old grandfather clock on cherry wood drive.
I keep into their room they share, like the freaks they are, but one by one they fall like birds. The first three are always easy, but that gets the rumors started. but luckily rumors are just that. Next is four he takes a little more.
He grew up on the lower half of clock town. He was a high-end second hand dealer. But like all businessmen, he can't pass up a good deal, so I offer him something he can't refuse. I offer for his two sisters to get clean. Five and six ended up on drugs after Four left to the big time. They all get to the mill at the same time and I blow it up.
I just lost three more minutes by blowing up, just like always. The only problem with something so flashy is now Seven will take forever to get to. But the crazy thing about preparation is it can't beat dumb luck, because he choked on a donut. It just feels like it takes a whole day for that seventh minute to pass.
But now that it has I can leave work happily.

© Anthony Sanders