

1 Jeswin JG
2 I was searching for a place where i could write my perspectives n finally i found this in playstore.
3 Shameena chechi, Manu🐒, lai, raquel.. actually it wont end.. 😅😅..hv a long list of that 😜..
4 suv, eman, kholah, piku, aria, sereena, trusfrated, manu, yrus.. this list will even wont stop...😌..n sry for not mentioning everyone.. i already hv a poem on this... 😉😉
5 every writers are osmm... no bias...😁
6 to be genuine, i love all my write ups... there's no bias for this too😉😉😅😅
7 i feel soooo lucky that i came here. I met many people here. Got many friends. I feel so blessed.
8 Can call me Jess n u can keep one if u like.🙂
9 Love, inspiration n lifestyle
10 Reading n writing.

so here's my 'about' written according to the format given by sereena.
Mallus rock😎😅😁
© jessj