

The cruel Dark night
INTENT : The some one asking about themself that why we have more scaring for cruelness. But one thing', we are most fearing about unseen thinks. We were not knew about sadness, pleaser, dare, scaring in our child hood. Those have grown themself by thiere feelings. We haven't got them before birth. Although we have more fear in sometime. Let's see about

There was an small traditional village. All most all poor people. They arranged huts for living them self. Elders, brothers, sisters, etc all of have joint family in that village named as Lukshapur. Many children were have more funny with going to school. But they were need to going with crossing big bungalow. It was been have a beautiful garden,surrounded by tallest trees,too old walls with cracked.
The elders were had know about that and thiere family. But they were don't want to share about incidents of bungalow to village people. The children were playing cricket at many Sundays. They were almost like to play cricket near that bungalow named as Panchama nivasa. They were always blames and advises to children playing cricket near big bungalow. But it have most harmed walls and steps broken steps, dark rooms, broken windows and lights.
But once incident was got to the children when they were playing the game. The five Children were arrived for playing cricket near Panchama nivasa although listened advise by elders. The children's named as Rahul, Satish, Veeru, Sudhakar, Ajinkya. Satish well played. When rahul came and hit six upon that bungalow.And were they have more tension for missed the boll. Then desired find that. All of children fearing for finding. Then they discussed about finding inside that bungalow. Rahul was desided entering that. Veeru said was that" it is not better for going alone I will come with you". Then both were gone for entering bungalow.
Then entered and shocked to watched big walls, designs, decorated, and twincle lights. They walked and watched surrounded with pleasure. They were forget finding boll in thier pleaser mood. They gone in deep interior. Full darkness! They not get to know that where they need to go.
Then have got surcumstances between them. They heared that female voice,She asked them why are they came and the name. Then Rahul and Veeru answered that they came for finding boll. Then she was gave suggestion for finding and take them in the forest, they were followed her into the cruelness forest at night. There were listening sound of owl and fox. They asked her where coming from this sound. She said that all of her family. But the children haven't know about what is fearing? . Both were more happy for finding. She taken them to once cruel place that sorrounded of blood.. Both children were saw that and feeled that is holy selebration place. Then she showed a boll among trees full of cut hands. Then they asked her that is Those decorated? She said Yes.
She was saying 'Mantras' beside bones and skulls with siting them, and praying "O mother take your Sacrifies both" in frunt of statue of Devi, then that asked her that where is the boll? Then she said that if you want to need your boll, need to give you sacrifice to mother. Then they feared and run out from that place, but that don't know how to return.
Then Satish, Sudhakar, Ajinkya were informed to village people that they haven't came again. Then all of villagers start to find both , but they haven't got at anywhere. Then once crying sound were coming at once side, hered and kept them. The villagers thought that both children were saw the devil and asked about incident happened. The both children expressed about her and died bodies. And found her, taken custody. All of came out side of bungalow with police. Then the villagers thanked to police. But we have need to give thanks to these children.
A villagers given honor and awarded for theire achivements.
So our think need to give spirit, strength, and growing mental abilities, Not for destroying this trend.

© Altaf mulla