

The KTown Cover up (entry#1)
The virus spread far and wide, eliminating everything that stood in its way.Nothing was safe from the virus at this point.point.no one!it hit so suddenly but didn't
catch the CDC attention.attention.at first it was only the birds that seemed to be effected by the virus,and just as quickly it seemed all animals became infected.infected.strangly still there was no media coverage on the seriousness of what was happening just a news flash every other hour of a strange outbreak in the Knoxville Tn zoo,but you see folks that is where it all began with animals.
Now apart from no quatrain being executed on the Knoxville zoo during the whole ordeal there was mainstream media blackout of the whole situation as well..a situation now being headlined as "the bird flu of the Ktown zoo"and honestly I smell bullshit all over the idiotic nursery rhyme driven headline and I know it was because some jackass with a "hey let's make it a catchy yet relatable sounding headline that would leave the citizens shrugging off the whole mess" mentality ,and sadly..most citizens did just that,they believed everything the media told them to believe..but not me..I know what's up..population control is an odor all over this..although no humans have been affect by from a mass spread of the virus it's all part of an experiment that's been proven effective for
taking out mass numbers of animals and now the US government knows how deadly this so call "bird flu virus really is"
and I'm gonna prove the virus kills me
someone has to speak out an and let the world know about true concerns and about the lies...so I'm off to knoxvill where it first began I'm going there so that I can collect any kind of evidence pointing towards the real cause of all those deaths oh and please excuse my rudeness I haven't introduced myself yet my name is Kane Chastain but I'm better known by most as KC or investigator KC and I'm an independent investigator I work cases mainly in the fields of corruption and conspiracy..so now that we have the introduction outta the way Ive gotta plane to catch..goodbye...to be continued

© Aaron Stout