

Brother (II)
“The condition of your father is worsening day by day. He needs proper and continuous care. I am startled that the cholesterol level in his blood has increased. First it was his arteries in heart which did not allow blood flow, but now the brain arteries have decided to go on strike too. Do you know Jason, what I am referring to? I need you to take a decision for surgery. But before that, have you told your brother?” The doctor asked him.
Brother? His brother? Who had done nothing than just sending letters and emails. He used to disturb him with his phone calls. He did not know how difficult it was to spend life with the small income of his father. Therefore, Jason had changed his number. Now, making him call meant a whole series of new troubles. Ever since he was in Jason’s life, things had not been good at all. He simply said, “I do understand what you are referring to. If it is important to keep him at the hospital, I have made up my mind. I don’t need anyone’s help or sympathy. How long the surgery can be delayed?”
“Your father still has time. But you know, it is said, “Nip the evil from the bud.” So, I believe that… But you know constant care and observation can keep the things balance for some time. I know your current condition, but I suggest you, tell your brother about it. He is warm-hearted and selfless person…”