

Not a mistake a big problem part-7 Now its our turn ( end)
So this is last part of story
( We saw the three scientists pass the riddle of mountain and win the sword)
Brent- let's end this ichophyos
Mountain- wait this sword won't kill ichophyos
Charlotte- what 😶
Mountain- first you have to find invisible deer then you have to kill it for its blood then you have to spread blood on sword and then kill ichophyos
daniel-where is this invisible deer?
mountain- below the river
Charlotte- let's go
( they reached below the river)
pedro-how we will find invisible deer🤔
Charlotte- I have an idea 💡
daniel- pedro there is an apple tree take an apple and put it on ground
( pedro picked up apple and put it on ground)
(what is happening apple is invisible)
( brent killed the deer)
pedro-let's spead blood on sword
brent-now we can kill ichophyos
( they were infront of ichophyos)
Charlotte-ichophyos you gave us 2 options
brent- first you will kill us
pedro- second to be your slave
Charlotte- being slave it's not in our blood and about killing
daniel- we will kill you!!!
Charlotte- we will give you 2 options kill yourself or we will kill you
brent- I will kill you ichophyos
ichophyos - uh you can't kill me !!
brent-we can
pedro- your end
( brent insert the sword in ichophyos, )
daniel- ichophyos and his servant are now finished All three scientists- now we can leave peacefully
people- you three plz be our king
all three- 🤔🙄😂🙂😉 yes

_________The End_______

Author talks
This was last part hope you enjoyed this series, show your love by following me click that heart button , Won't post any stories or series for many days only poems and qoutes bye

© Anzela Ansari