

Mindreader Part I
Lianne felt her strength slump onto the floor next to her. She had her hands held out in front of her. "No more! Please! No more..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes jolted open. Her dark pupils glowed blue.

In her mind, she saw it. A familiar backside of a dirty blonde head with a high pony. The girl, her best friend Naya, was walking with a boy with thick brown hair. Another familiar head. Her crush Ben. The girl spoke "You should have seen her face. The idiot. She really thinks she has a chance with you."
Ben laughed. "As if. She's a troll compared to the other girls."
Naya gave a shrill cackled and wrapped her hand around his waist as they walked.

Lianne came back. All her happy memories with the only people in her life welled up in her eyes and came out as tears. "No more..... "
Her eyes glowed blue again. Again, she saw it.

A tall slender woman, her mother sitting at a table with another man. She was speaking. "And then, my husband left. Ugh, serves him right. Who'd leave someone like me?" The man smiled at her and nodded his opinion.

Lianne remembered her father. He was the best thing to happen to her. Now he's left her too.
She screamed in her agony. Her heart and head were throbbing in pain, her eyes burned and her knees buckled.
"Go on then! What else have you got?!"
But the person standing in front of her merely hung his head, and sat down next to her.
He spoke in a husky but comforting voice "What you have Lianne... isn't just a gift. You've seen the negative side. And it hurts more than anything."
Lianne Torsky was born with a blessing and curse. She was born with the ability to read minds. As a child, she could focus on someone really hard and know what they were thinking, but it came in short bursts of phrases that crossed her mind. As she grew older, she read into the matter and it got easier to glance into people's thoughts. She could hear sentences now. With time, it only got easier and clearer.
This man sitting next to her, he was no stranger. This man was the one who gave her a book on mind reading when she was twelve. Now, at 16, he came to her. It was as if he forced her to see these visions, read his mind in a way she had never done before.
It was his memories she was reading, meaning he'd seen all of this before. She couldn't believe that all the people close to her would do this.