

Last Betrayal
People make houses and birds create nests. The purpose is similar yet they do not belong each other. But sometimes, humans do make cages for birds and call it a bird's place. A sense of belonging is created when one is in his own shelter and a shelter is created to feel protected. Feeling in your comfort zone as in safe zone. This safe shell is your entire peace whether you are a normal human, a cannibal, or a phsycopath. These four walls with ceiling looks like your best livelihood that you have ever formed.

A gentleman once named Abdul was a dear friend of Mustafa. This friendship was so close that they decided to turn into a long lasting relationship like brotherhood. So, Mustafa decided to marry his daughter; Marium with Abdul. They both got happily married. After few days when Marium came to meet her father, he was shocked. There were bruises all over her body. Mustafa never knew that Abdul was a phsycopath but Marium find out and so does Mustafa. Mustafa was ashamed of his decision and Marium decided to continue her marriage as Men are actually cannibals in their ora and referring to her past experience; she grew up with one. Marium was worried but decided to continue her marriage owning the fact that she can meet a biggest cannibal than him in future. Abdul took Marium to his old city and bought a house where they both could live. Marium was terrified yet she gave birth to a child. Abdul was a brutal man by nature and used to get amused by torturing people. He panic-stricken his child by hiding him on a rooftop dark room for two days. Petrified child died of fear and hunger with teary eyes. Marium cried blood tears upon her child death but couldn't do anything. Neighbours started agonizing the couple. Again they left the city and moved towards urban area and bought a house for their upcoming life. Marium was scared yet again she gave birth to another baby. She decided to stay with her every little second but poor little child was detained one night and was sold to transgenders for money by Abdul. Marium was getting retarted and yet couldn't find a way out to sort this issue. Suddenly, one day Abdul fell from stairs and broke his leg. He could only use abusive language to satisfy his Pharoah personality. Marium used to take great care of him yet she couldn't forget her childrens' brutal disasters. Everytime she sees Abdul, she was reminded of her innocent babies' catastrophe. She started becoming cruel to her husband as for now he was unable to move himself. She started slow poisoning him and then kept him hungry for a month like he kept her for days, she locked him in a dark room for a week like he kept his son for two days, she took him on a wheel chair to a mountain top and threw him as a last betrayal he could ever had.
Standing stagnant at a roof top she realized that she had acted just like Abdul. She realized her tyrancy but she was pregnant third time. She was free now...
Free to breathe like a bird! She promised herself that she would not let this soul die because of Abdul's cannibal efforts and would not raise him under his dungeon of thorns.

A mother can forget her pain but she can never forget the pain of her children.

ABDUL has eaten his children by his hitler acts but atlast betrayed himself!

Rule of life 'life is an echo, what you send out, comes back'.
© msaminafy