

Just like the dying stars
Dear Diary,

Saturday, the sixteenth of July in the year two thousand and twenty two. The day is warm as I make my first entry of the day.

Ever since childhood, my inquisitive mind has always led me to question things beyond the veil of it's mere existence.
A Uranophile such as I, always mesmerized by the stars, galaxies, celestial bodies and the rapidly expanding universe. The recent images from the James Webb space telescope, revealing a vast beauty of the infinite universe is indeed an incredible sight.
A wonderful feeling as mankind inches one step towards making more discoveries and unraveling mysteries of our beautiful universe.
The dawn of a new era in astronomy has begun. All thanks to science.
These captivating images, billion lightyears away from us yet makes me ponder upon our human existence. As I realise how tiny we are in this vastness, to live with so much of pride, ego, selfishness and all the vices.
One fine day we will return to the universe as dust... Just like the dying stars.

© thepurplefeathers