

The tale of etorxpia
Have you ever wondered what is out there? There might be aliens, mystical creatures and even others univereses.
I am going to take you on an adventure of sacrifice and adventure.

It was a Friday. Jiho was busy doing homework. She didn't feel safe ever since she lost her older sister, Riho. She was here older sister, caring and loving. She never deserved to die with cancer. Riho was only 11. She only had her brother, Yori. He was a highschooler, and was a bit mean to her most of the time. He fell into bad company because of his friends. Jiho didn't really have that many friends because of the rumors at school. They all used to whisper about her being mean to the queen bee, Sarah. She was actually very mean to Jiho. Riho always used to defend her sister, but her brother did not. It has been four years now, and Jiho was in middle school. She only had one friend who was her best friend. She was a bit nervous sometimes as she was very shy. Do you know where they reside?
They lived in Etorxpia.

All of a sudden, A portal opened in her room. It was a gigantic one. Jiho was startled. She crept to the portal until it started sucking her in. But the weird thing was, it was at the ceiling! "Somebody, help!" She shouted.
Then Yorin came to the rescue. He wasn't really that much of help. He was listening to music back then, so he didn't really care.
When she was finally through the portal, she saw that it was fully cloudy over there, She was stunned by the beauty. She was actually standing on the clouds! She saw a lot of people floating over there, which was a sight to see! "What is this place?" said a voice
behind her. She turned around to see her very own brother. She was a bit confused at the moment. Where was she? She asked a passer-by to know where she was, and they answered "Heaven, of course!". Was this really her time? Did she really need the same fate as her sister? She was kinda relieved because she escaped life earlier than she expected. But then the passer by added, "I think so you are a new comer, so you need to meet the mighty angel first.". So, they asked every angel they ,etc and then reached the palace. They entered, and then a loud voice called out, " What are you doing here mere mortals?" There, seated on the throne, was a queen with a huge crown on her head. Jiho was more confused than ever. If she wasn't dead, why was she heaven? "You should have run far away from that portal. It wasn't for you, it was for your sister." "I don't understand your 'angelness' but, my sister is already dead, so why does she need to go to heaven now?" Asked Jiho. " But you have already entered the portal. In exchange for your sister to live again, one of you will have to sacrifice." " I will go.", said Yorin. "I am the one who has been mean to her all these years." Very well then." Agred the satisfied angel. She pointed her staff at yorin and he started floating like the other angels. Jiho was sad that she was going to lose someone for another person. Jiho was sent back home, and before her eyes was her very own sister. They hugged. The brother was actually the best friend she had, but then betrayed her. She had lost her only friend, who was like a brother to her, but you always have to lose someone in life.
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