

A beast or a human (chapter 3)
(Aurora's POV)

This presence that I felt was intimidating enough. I halted where I was and I felt the owner of that dominating aura coming close. I broke out in cold sweat and I couldn't muster up the courage to turn around and look at what was making me feel petrified. But one thing I understood was that it was something supernatural. I stood there breathless, afraid of what was behind me. I felt a strong wave of negative energy and at the same time I felt exhausted as if that entity absorbed all my strength and I felt it standing right behind me. For the first time in my life I was scared of something. I felt it's enormous strength and I knew it wasn't something that I could handle and I also knew that despite of my strength, it'll kill me with ease. I stood there with my eyes closed waiting for that entity to kill me. I felt it growing bigger in size and the whole atmosphere filled with negative energy.
All my strength was gone and my knees felt weak. I was hardly able to stand on my own legs and suddenly I fell down. I felt dizzy ,my sight became blurred. Suddenly I felt like I was out of breathe and I passed out. When I regained my consciousness it was already evening time. The sky was clear and sun was about to set. I sat up and looked around but there was no one and the atmosphere was normal too. This is the first time I had encountered something that was intimidating to such an extent. I regretted not turning around, I should have looked at it. Just once. I stood up and dusted my jeans then I walked back to the college building. While I was heading back, I looked for any possible clues but all seemed to be normal.

( Elysian's POV)

I was sitting on the soft grass under the banyan tree in front of the fountain when I saw a girl coming from the college's botanical garden. She was wearing a green colored crop top and her steps weren't stable. She looked very worried. She even stumbled while climbing the stairs and fell. Everyone stared at her because of her clumsiness. A boy standing near the stairs approached her and helped her get up. She thanked him and before he could ask anything she ran out of the college.

"What was that?", the boy asked lifting his eyebrows.

" Was she high on something?", a girl said.

"She's weird. But what was she doing there?", another girl asked.

" Yes, she wasn't in the class also. What's the matter with her?" , people were confused because of her behaviour.

"Was she a retard?", the boy sitting next to me said.

" I don't know. She looked fine.", I replied him.

Soon people ignored her awkward behavior thinking of her as a retard. But she didn't seemed like a retard to me. And let's say she was a retard but why was she running away? And what was she doing there? Something smelled fishy so I stood up to go to the garden but my friends stopped me and asked where I was going. At first I thought to take them along but then I thought that if indeed there was something dangerous, I can't risk their lives. So I thought of going there alone without telling anyone else.

"I'm heading home now. We have so much study to do. See ya all tomorrow.", I said goodbye. Though others ignored that girl saying she was crazy, I couldn't get her off my mind. "She was dressed well and she even thanked that boy for his help. She must have seen something in that garden which scared her. I have to go there and find out what happened.", I said to myself and decided to go there at night.

I went home and took a bath. I tried to divert my attention from the incident but didn't succeeded. The more the time passed the more I became sure that something was not right. Whenever I had felt something wrong about any situation, I was never wrong. My intuition never betrays me. I was eagerly waiting for the night. So to pass the time I went to the swimming pool and then I cooked the dinner. When I was done eating the delicious food and washed the dishes, I checked the time and it was 11:45 pm. I changed my clothes and wore an all black outfit to blend with the darkness. The entire neighborhood was quiet and the dogs were barking at me. I ran to the college gate and jumped over it. Then I walked into the botanical garden trying not to make any noise. I had just walked two or three steps inside the garden when I felt another presence. But this presence was familiar. I walked further into the garden and saw someone standing not so far away. I walked a little closer and I could only understand that she was a girl. But what was she doing there at that time??? I was curious. So I climbed a tree and sat on the top most branch from where I could see her but can't be seen by her. She sat on the ground for some time and then stood up, walked back and forth as if she was waiting for someone. But soon she left. I couldn't understand what was she trying to do and I couldn't let her go without knowing who she was. So I followed her to her house. I was maintaining distance from her so that she couldn't see me. She took some turns and then we were on the highway that went through the forest.

"Why is she going in the forest?",I said to myself while following her. I was confused why would a girl come to the forest at midnight... Then she suddenly stopped and looked back directly at me. I was stunned. I mean, it was impossible for her to know that I was following her.

"Who the hell are you?", she asked without turning back.

I froze for a moment. How could she possibly know ???

" What? Didn't you heard me? I asked something!!!", she said gritting her teeth.

She might had seen me following her... I was so lost in my own thoughts that I couldn't see the piece of rock she threw towards me. But still I dodged that, thanks to my abilities.

"I'll ask you this last time. Who are you?", she yelled and I saw energy waves emitting from her hands.

" This... Can't be... Sshh, she is o-one of us!!!", I was shocked !!!! "But why couldn't I recognize her aura?" ,usually we can recognize each other just by our aura. But she was different. "Is she a half - breed?", I saw her from head to toe while speculating.

I wasn't alert and she hit me with a tree branch. She had hit me with such strength that I collided with a tree beside me and my head hit the trunk. And then I fell down. I heard a ringing sound for some time and I felt dizzy. I felt the blood flowing out from the wound in my head and then I fell unconscious.
© my_obscure_bliss