

3am Chapter 1
Note: This story is not true
Hello Everybody.. Welcome to SW Stories.. So today I am gonna tell you a short story that happen with me few days back.

We bought a knew clock few days back..The time was 1pm.My dad set the time and went for lunch.My Mother was not so well so my dad took her to the clinic.. I was all alone in the house.My only emergency thing was a telephone.I could call my dad if there is an emergency. After few hours my dad called me.He told that my mom is hospitalised and I am gonna stay with her for one night.The only option was that I have to stay all alone for one night.When I looked at the clock it was 3am. I set the time to 9:30 again. I went for dinner and came back and saw that the time was again 3am. I thought that the clock is damaged, so I wrapped it in a cloth and kept it in a cupboard and went to sleep. Suddenly, I heard a creaking sound from the cupboard where I kept my clock.I was scared to opened the cupboard but still I had too!. I opened the cupboard and saw nothing. There were only my dresses and a clock. I closed the door of my cupboard and when to sleep again. At around 4:45am. I saw the clock hanging with the time 3am. I was so scared that I could not breath. I took a hammer and begin to break the clock. I threw in outside the window. The next morning I woke up with the clock beside me with the time 3am. But It was not a simple clock, the clock was with scratches in red colour. I knew something was wrong with it.

Next chapter will come soon!

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