

Ghost In The Wood ☠️ you
Episode 03 (The Fear Of The unseen 👽)

Faina was still unconscious due to what she has experience at the dark forest, Shira said to her dad,"Dad, i think this place is haunted by Ghost."

Marco said,"How is it possible? I don't believe there is anything such as ghost."

Apollonia said,"True dad, I don't believe they exist."

Hugo,"We can't say what really occur in the dark forest, neither did we know if there is any such thing as ghost."

Shira,"Alright then let us wait for mom to regain consciousness, i believe she has a lot to tell us."

(Faina was laying down as a dead person, she was not herself. In her sleep she could only dream of the terrible moment she has spent in the dark forest. Her encounter with a ghost woman).

Two Hours Later

Faina regained consciousness, she wasn't seeing clearly. She wanted getting up but stumble and fell, Shira ran to her and held her up.

The rest of the family came back to the room and sat round her, Marco asked,"What exactly happened in the wood(dark forest)?."

Faina,"I can't really recall everything that happened there, i could only remember going in search of shira. I was wandering in the forest and later on i saw a little girl dressing in white gown, i find myself in a house as beautiful as a castle."

(Faina was having a terrible headache so she couldn't remember everything).

Ronan,"Mom, is okay, thank God we have you back to us. Nothing will happen to us."

The Next Day

(Marco, faina, Ronan and shira left the house with their car heading the city to purchase something at the mall shop. Leaving Hugo and Apollonia behind at home).

Apollonia's Pov

I was at home with Hugo playing computer game, suddenly the weather changes and it became cloudy and began to rain heavy.

Hugo asked me to go lock the windows because the wind was so strong, i went upstairs to my room to lock up the windows.

I heard a footsteps of someone coming, i thought it was Hugo. But it wasn't him....i shake off my mind from it and continue what i was doing.

I heard a drop of kitchen tools dropping in the kitchen, i check it out and saw nothing but just a broken tools on the floor.

Right before my very eyes the kitchen door locked itself, i thought it was the wind. I checked and saw that it was not the wind, i tried opening but it wasn't opening.

Then i heard this strange voice saying,"You are mine, this Mansion belongs to me."

Apollonia,"immediately i became devastated, i push the door and ran out.

Hugo was not happy with the mood i was so he asked,"What is wrong with you?."

I told him what i saw and heard, he didn't take me so seriously. He went back and continue his game.

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© Samson Noah Ayodeji