

Descendent of Revan (Part 2)
We traveled to just out of tracking range to see the planet surrounded.
"The planet is under siege. No way we get passed the blockade."
"Aren't you a bounty hunter?"
He nodded but looked annoyed. "....On occasion."
"Good, we have an occasion. Check and see if there's a bounty for me."
He did, and I was at the top of the list. Of course I was. He powered off the bounty tracker and looked at me in disbelief. "You really want me to turn you into the Empire?"
"Yes, then wait for me out of range. Wait for my signal and then land away from the battle. I'll find you when it's safe."
"What signal?"
"You'll know it when you see it."
I pointed to the dreadnought. "Take me to the big one."
"Im a low ranking Bounty hunter. A small fry. How exactly am I supposed to convince them that I subdued YOU?"
"Tranq me."
"That saber... on your waist. It was your mother's... They will take it."
I nodded as I got the injection ready at a low dose. It was very kind that he cared. I know that he and my mother had been close friends at one point. "Don't worry. I'll get it back."
"This is a bad idea."
I shrugged. "Probably, but I still have a good feeling."
"I'm trying to understand how you think you're going to help by turning yourself in."
Such a lack of faith. "You'll see."
"Alright kid. Let's do it. You better fucking come back."
I nodded with a reassuring smile and then sat down and turned my head. He hesitated but injected me. I fell asleep and woke cuffed and bound on the enemies ship. They were paying Abel when I woke. There was a electro collar around my neck. That was new.
My mouth was dry and I felt slightly nauseous but other than that I was okay.
The guards took me to a barrier cell and threw me in. Another walked away with my sabers. I got up from the floor and looked around.
"Hello!" I called. "I'd like to speak to the Captain."
"Shut up scum. Why would the Captain want to talk to you?" Asked a trooper.
I smiled and replied, "I'd like to give him a chance to surrender."
He pushed a button on a remote and the collar shocked me. I cried out and slipped to one knee. "....damn... that's more intense than I expected." I frowned as i looked at him. "You press that button again and you're going to wake up in a world of pain tomorrow."
He pressed the button and I absorbed the energy until I had enough to repulse it back out. It blew through the electric control panel. Shorted out the cell, and send the trooper smashing into the wall behind him so hard there was a crater.
I got up and pulled off the cuffs and collar. I kept a hold of the collar and took the remote off of his broken unconscious body. I threw it at the trooper that charged in and it locked into place around his neck. I showed him I had the remote as he panicked and tried to pull it off. I electrocuted him until he passed out.
I tossed the remote over the side of the railing as I was rushed by about 15 troopers and alarms began to go off. They pointed their blasters at me.
I scratched the back of my head and looked around. I was more troubled by being lost than the fact that I had been surrounded. Mom definitely wouldn't like this plan and Dad would be mad that I let anyone else touch their sabers at all. I really needed to get them back. "Can anyone tell me where the prisoner effects are kept? I don't really know this ship layout..."
"Don't move or we will open fire!" Shouted the one in charge.
I smiled lightly at him. "You, know where to go, don't you?"
I stepped forward and they all fired. I rose a hand and focused as I froze all the blasts in a field in front of me. I held them until the shooting stopped and then focused as hard as i could before sending them all back into non leathal locations on their bodies.

Mother and father spent my whole live hiding from one man. They spent my whole life training me, teaching me, preparing me. All of that intense training meant shit when he found us. However; it sure made things easier in this situation.
I force pulled away all of their weapons at once then crushed them all together before tossing the fused ball aside. I crouched over the one in charge and tapped on his visor with a finger. "Are you still awake in there?"
He groaned. "What are you..."
I sighed with annoyance. "I just told you. I'm lost. Will you tell me where the prisoner effects are kept...uhm....please?" Mother said using manners helped sometimes.
"You'll pay for this you rebel scum."
I rolled my eyes. I guess it didn't help all the time. "Fine... we'll do it my way...sorry Mom." I said out loud to her before holding a hand over his head.
It was simple to enter his mind. He was very easily influenced. I didn't need to hurt him or pull anything from him. I could just use a harmless trick. I felt I was lucky and this wouldn't always be the case. I didn't want to invade him if I didn't need to. "You wanna tell me which way I should go to find the prisoner effects."
"I would like to tell you which way to go to find the prisoner effects." He repeated with a much calmer and dazed tone. "It's the room on the left at the end of this hall."
I smiled, "You also want to tell me how to get to the captain so I don't get lost again." I lowered my hand.
"I don't want you to get lost again, it's a big ship. During lockdown the Captain remains on deck in the command center. Its three floors up, passed the power cells and to the right. You'll see two very large doors. Do you need the code?"
I shook my head. "No, but thank you. You should take as many as you can and escape. The ship is going to blow up soon." I stated then stood.
"We need to get to the escape pods. This place is going to blow!" He stumbled to his feet and began to help the others. I walked by him and found the small room he was talking about. I took both of the sabers from the small barrier cell they were in. All I did was use the force to turn them on. They melted right through the control panel.
I got in the elevator and went up 3 floors. I put my mother's saber in my right holster and my father's in the left. When I came out the hallway was filled with troopers.
"Shouldn't all of you be leaving?" I asked as I stepped out of the elevator.
"The Captain gave us strick orders not to let you pass! Surrender now!"
"No. I don't think I will. You sure you wanna do this?" I asked.
"On my command!" Called another team leader.

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