

A good shepherd.....
Just imagine about the life of the shepherds leading thousands of sheep down the mountain, through the bridges, the valleys, the crossroads, the narrow passes between rocks, through the streams, travelling with the sheep, caring for them so that not even one gets lost, sacrificing their entire life for them.
It's because it's his sheep, his own. if one goes missing or any one among the thousands falls into the stream, he waits for it to come, he goes searching for it leaving the whole herd behind, rescuing them, bringing them home, injuring himself in this process. Putting his life at stake, all for his sheep
"it's not you who found him but he has come searching for you" , bringing you back to the right track, coming behind you till you were willing, who is going to do such a sacrifice other than your heavenly father

God is the good shepherd who knows his sheep, he don't live behind a sheep(you) just because you are old or too young or too slow or weak or crippled or just because you are a rebel or because you are wounded, instead he walks with you, being in a stone's throw distance from you, hears you listens to your cry, talks with you when nobody does, answers your prayers, cares for you, heals you, blesses you, loves you, takes you on his shoulders through every ways be it rocks or mountains, oceans or deserts, submit to him, obey him, he is only one who will mend you when you are broken, don't push him away and become an object of scorn, later you will regret it, now is the time to know him to feel his presence, his power, his comfort, he is the good shepherd who is ready to give his life for his sheep. Are you ready to become one? There is always a chance for everyone,and I believe now is yours. Oh, who can reject or turn a blind eye to this unfathomable, reckless love of god?