

An unknown writer
Wrote of truth and lies
Poetry was his passion
But lonely was his life
Placed in a bottle
Capped and set to sea
His poem on a journey
It was to be set free
For years the sealed poem
Endured the biggest waves
Until washing up ashore
On the island of the slaves
This god forbidden place
People bought and sold
Survival was their only hope
As long as they obeyed
The young fit and strong
Had to work night and day
Their masters giving little
Were ignorant to their pain
The island ruled by a king
A king of many slaves
Never paying much attention
Only demands for what he craves
He summoned his collector
A slave of royal deed
One of which was mussels
The kings favourite food
Obeying the kings orders
She went to the sea shore
Her nets in the ocean
She had collected mussels before
A time of peace and tranquility
The ocean has no ties
Sand so fine and yellow
A glimpse of pure paradise
She noticed the bottle
Half covered in the sand
Washing in the tide
Standing upside down
Pulling out the poem
She read over and again
Words so pure and right
She took it to the king
The king read it several times
A face in pain and of shame
Looking up to her surprise
He unlocked her from her chain
Such peace and love in poetry
He had never felt words before
He looked back with new eyes
Realising that he should love more
He asked what could be done
So that she would love him too
The words in poetic harmony
Had changed his point of view
Stretching out without chains
Freedom that she rarely felt
She thinks about the other slaves
Desperate for help
Answering with her thoughts
What about the others
He had power over the land
And could change evil habits
He answered back without pause
As his mind was already set
Every person is a human being
His replied with past regret
Declaring the island be set fee
New rules were put in place
Those who were once a slave
Now had equal rights
For this act of humanity
She felt some love for him
Over time he proved worthy
She agreed to be his queen
The poem kept like a treasure
With a golden frame to match
Anonymously written
Treated with highest respect
Guarded in the castle
On display for all to see
The poem that changed
The course of history
A copy of this poem
Is here for us to read
Posted underneath
Signed Anonymously


Our soul is one
we bleed as one
For what you do
you will become
Live or die
for a reason
Every life
is a conscious being
Treat others
as if it you
with this in view
Our body a vessel
Our minds born free
Every act of hate
Has a natural remedy
Closing yours eyes
Feel your bloodstream
Breath the same air
As every man and beast
Under the same sky
Of stars and galaxies
The universe is waiting
For those that can see

