

Waking up at midnight to a strange darkness and atmosphere, everywhere was silent as a graveyard.
Rolling to the other side where my bed partner sleeps Alas, I couldn't feel her presence. With a lot going through my mind wondering where she might be all of a sudden, a flash of light from the electric bulb brought to my realization how disorganized and disoriented the room was. Wondering who or what might have disorganized the room, the electric bulb flashed again and snapped immediately. My heart skipped a thousand times and more, I rushed to get my torch but couldn't find it...
Suddenly I heard a quick call of my name and reached out to the door leading to the living room downstairs to see who was calling out to me. I got there and saw no one and immediately, my phone rang from my room upstairs and I said to myself, "just in time" curiously running upstairs to check who it may be, but as I reached the door to my room, it stopped ringing. Wondering the exact place I left my phone, but again, I heard someone calling my name faintly and I turned to go downstairs to figure out who it may be. As I was moving downstairs, the words sound gibberish. As I reached the living room, at first I thought it was my bed partner but reaching out there to find no one.
I kept moving towards the sound source, but the more I moved closer, the farther the sound source moved. I opened the door leading outside but still found no one. I kept on moving close to the sound source calling out my name. As I was moving and getting closer to the source the calling of my name started becoming faint until I could no longer hear anything. I started soliloquizing, asking myself what may be happening and I stood still and thought rapture had taken place and that I was left behind.
Few minutes later, guess what happened... I suddenly felt a hard hit on my hand and someone calling my name continuously. I looked at my side, Alas! it was my mum.. then I realized I was sitting in the living room with my parents far in thinking...
It was all an ILLUSION, I said to myself...
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