

All conflict, s in my life( chapter3)
After movement of baby she just drop the idea of dying she started leave from from their without any destination and without any idea where that path gona take her she just 🚶 and walking alone at that scary looking path because no one there at that time just her
Ash. waking a lot she decided to go to her friends 🏡 they were friends from their childhood
Ash,s pro. -when i reach at my friends house i directly go inside because i know her 🏡 password because we are deep friends and spend time alot together when i go there i see my friend and that basterd together and my world destroy again and i said
Mera. she look at me in shocked way because what my condition is at that time or after see at that time when they are together my mild is got blank i can't think in right way at that time

Mera. Ash what happened to you why u took so pathetic 😥she ask concernly ?
😂😂😂haha seriously u don't know what happened to me u are the reason why i m like this and now u re asking
Ash -what are u saying
First u stole my boyfriend and now u re concerned about me like sericelly
u take me as idiot or somethink
i don't now what are u talking about me and arsh are togher about 5years and and we are childhood friends but after shifting here we lost contact and meet five year before and stsrted dating and soon we gona marry him and we already about to have a 👶 to i, m pregnant with his child and u never wanna discuss about your and anyone alse relationships so we never take about anything like this now what are u saying dont say like this😢😢we
each other from a long time he can't do like to this or to anyons he is not that kind if person at all
Ash. he is not that kind of person 😯she said sarcastically oh really he first pretend to love me and when i, m ready to give myself to him he blady sold me😭he sold me to someone alse just for money and when he get to know i m pregnant he Leave me to be dead just like that and u saying u don't know anything about all this like seriously u think i gona believe u actually u two perfect for each other a dog and bitch forever togther
Arsh. how dare u say like this he was about to hit ash but mera hold his hand throw it away
Mera. don't dare to touch her😡what u did to her is it not inaf and now u Waan hit him if i know u are this kind of person i will never gona never be with u u are just a jerk
Arsh. baby don't say like this what i did it all is for u and our baby😥😰
mera. did i ever said u i want money or luxury or any think alse😡all i wand is just your lov your time and we are happy with our small amout of my then why u did all this things 😭😭why just why
leave from there there or i will call the police and arrested u for all your doings 😾i said leave
plz baby plz lesson to me
don't call me like this we don't have anything to do with each from this movement
then she throws him out of house and shut the door closed know.Mera go to Ash. and hug her now thay tow were a crying mess and in house this time we call only hearing the sound of their crying nothing alse
so by for now guys we start from here so be safe and keep ☺ 😃
(to be continued ---)
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